lie | 3

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"We have an interview." Namjoon said, looking at his band members in front of him. He tried to not to show any discomfort, but Seokjin saw that he was worried about something.

That something being that Seokjin was unable to speak.

"Wha– what about Jin hyung?" Jimin worriedly asked, stealing a quick glance at the older.

"Just no questions for him." Namjoon answered blankly.

Seokjin frowned, listening to their conversation. It wasn't really fun, just sitting there and being quiet. But what could he do? He was just going to throw couple of fake smiles to the camera and leave.


All the boys sat down, and started recording. Everyone talked and laughed, except for Seokjin. He felt useless in this whole interview. He couldn't do anything, not even tell a dad joke or answer a question. Not fun.

Hoseok looked at Seokjin and noticed his sour face, grabbing his hand and smiling at his quiet hyung. Seokjin just flashed Hoseok a little smile in response. He really wanted to complain, but in this situation it was impossible. So Seokjin continued smiling.

Hoseok understood. It was hard. But he and other members would try their best to help their hyung.


The interview ended and the boys ran away to do their own stuff.

"Are you okay, hyung?" Hoseok stopped Seokjin who was walking away and stared straight into his eyes, trying to see what his hyung was feeling. Seokjin started to search for something in his back pocket, fishing out a small paper with a pen.

I'm fine, thanks. He wrote on the paper, giving it to Hoseok.

"If something's wrong tell me, okay?"
Seokjin nodded, walking away. He was tired from all this acting. He just wanted to go home.

Later at home, Seokjin decided to check the comments from the interview.

Eatjin92 Jin looks so sad... is he sick 😢
Worldwidejin Jin didn't talk the whole interview!!!! Where's the dad jokes?!? Where's the flying kisses??? I'm going crazy, Jin oppa!!!
btsluv But did you see that 2Seok moment... my heart is melting kyaaaa
Joonni Is jin sick? Please take care of youself jin!!
Anionghaseo Jungkook oppa! So handsome!!

Wow. They noticed. Seokjin didn't think army would notice his quietness. He was the least loved member, right? How could their fans notice him being quiet? Still, Seokjin decided to post a selfie on twitter so no one would think that he was sick.

It's cold outside, army! Take care of yourself, dont get sick! ♡

"Hyung! I made soup!" The door to Seokjin's room opened with a bang as Hoseok rushed in with a bowl full of chicken soup in his hands

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"Hyung! I made soup!" The door to Seokjin's room opened with a bang as Hoseok rushed in with a bowl full of chicken soup in his hands. He sat down on Seokjin's bed and offered the bowl to the older, but his hyung shook his head with a pout.

"What? Whyyyyyyyy~?!" Hoseok whined loudly, trying to put the bowl into Seokjin's hands. The older opened his mouth, waiting for Hoseok to feed him. Hoseok just stared at him with a confused look, not really understanding what he wanted. Seokjin playfully slapped Hoseok's arm and pointed at his mouth. The younger finally understood what Jin was so cutely trying to achieve and started feeding him, smiling widely.

"Hyung is so cute." Hoseok mumbled, putting the spoon into Seokjin's mouth and giggling.
Now it was Seokjin's turn to look at Hoseok with a confused look on his face, as he didn't quite hear what the younger said to him.

"W-what? I didn't say anything." Hoseok mumbled, now louder so Seokjin could hear him. The older shrugged his shoulders, and continued to eat happily.

silence ♡ jin x bts ✓Where stories live. Discover now