coffee | 4

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Everyone was recording in the studio for their new song. Expect for Seokjin. Again. He was just sitting on the leather couch with a bored look on his face, listening carefully to his band mates.

It hurted. It hurted so much that Seokjin just wanted to leave the studio and run away somewhere far, where no one could find him. He knew that he was being a burden to his members with his stupid accident that made him unable to talk or sing.

Seokjin wanted to sing so badly, but he couldn't. It made him angry and sad at the same time. That accident... What if Jin would never get his voice back? He would–

"Hey, Jin hyung, I'm going to get some coffee, do you want some?" Yoongi stepped into the studio, interrupting Seokjin's sad thoughts.

Caramel macchiato. Seokjin wrote on a paper that was in his hands the whole time he was in the studio, in case someone wanted to talk with him.

"But didn't you like the vanilla one more?" Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.

You didn't get my joke. Seokjin wrote again, pouting cutely.

"Oh, now I get it," Yoongi showed the older a small smile even though he didn't quite get it, "so, vanilla?"

Seokjin nodded and Yoongi quickly left to get their coffee.


When Yoongi came back, his hyung was peacefully dozing off on the couch. He gently shook the older's shoulders trying not to hurt the sleeping beauty. The sudden awakening startled Seokjin and he opened his eyes in shock, but he immediately smiled as he saw the younger. Yoongi gave Seokjin his coffee and sat down on the couch near the older.

Thank you Yoongichi, I really appreciate it. You're the best. Seokjin wrote on the paper and threw it onto Yoongi's face, grinning.

Yoongi read the paper and felt his heartbeat stop for a second. He could feel a blush creeping on his pale face, and soon he was blushing like a schoolgirl who saw her crush walk past her.

What was happening to him?! He needed to look calm and unbothered. Yoongi quickly turned away so the older wouldn't see his completely red face. The younger was acting weird, but Seokjin decided to ignore his odd behavior and just drink his coffee.

"We're done!" Taehyung shouted, barging into the room with the rest of the band.

"Yoongi hyung, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked, glancing weirdly at the older who was now standing, staring at the wall.

"Oh, haha I thought I saw a– I saw a bat, yeah." Yoongi blabbered, staring at the wall with a "thinking" face.

Everyone looked at him, visibly confused.

"Guys, we need to go home." Namjoon spoke. As soon as Yoongi heard the leader, he sprinted out of the room leaving everyone even more confused.

"What happened, hyung?" Hoseok asked Seokjin. The older just shrugged his shoulders with a blank look on his face. He also wanted to know what happened to the always calm Min Yoongi.

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