"I kinda wanted to talk to you Johnnie" she says once we pull away
"can I talk to you about it?" she ask

"yea you can talk to me about anything" I say

"would you support it?" she ask

What is she about? "uh. maybe.. depends what it is" I say

"would you help me out?" she ask and she look down at hers fingers

"are you pregnant?" I ask

"no!" she giggled

"okay" I took a deep breath
"so what do you need to tell me?" I ask

"um well awhile ago when you were still on Warped Tour" she pauses. Hopefully she didn't do anything bad "one of my nurses phoned me" to her phoned means someone called her

She started to tear up

"blue" I say

"my nurse says that I will be having surgery" she says. She looks away from hers fingers and to the floor. A tear slides down hers cheek

"where?" I ask

"at the hospital" she says

"no I meant where on your body" I say

"oh.. I'm so stupid" she says. She doesn't make a sound but she starts crying

"no your not" I pull her onto my lap

"on my eyes" she says

"why?" I ask

"cause I use to wear these contacts that only one in a thousand people are suppose to have. And everyone who ever had them in there eyes they now have cancer so me being the very unlucky one I have eye cancer" she says

"oh my god" I say quietly and I hug her tighter

"if I don't have the surgery I could die witch I don't mind but I can't leave you. If I do have the surgery i still could die. I would have a 10% chance of living" she says

But that unlikely and she could die. I can't have her die on me I really love her

"maybe I should just end it" she says

"end what?" I ask

"my life. I don't want to go though surgery on my face it would make me look uglier then I already do"

"your not ugly" I say

"yes I am" she says

"Dylan I want you to stop saying these things, that's your ugly when you really aren't to me your beautiful, you may think you are but you aren't. I want you to stop saying that you are gonna kill yourself, I know you would do it but I really don't like when you say that you will. Dylan please don't kill yourself! Would probably do something really stupid if you left me like that!" I scold

She doesn't really say anything but now I feel bad for kinda yelling

"sorry if I hurt your feelings" I apologised

"no I deserved it. I try won't t say those things" she says
"Johnnie when you said you would probably do something stupid. What did you mean?" she ask

"I would.. Uh-

"you would kill yourself wouldn't you?" she cut me off and she sounder disappointed

"Yea I would" I say

"why would you want to do that. Your life is amaz-

"no it's not" I cut her off

"how it's a lot better then mine"

Cømpletely Different  (Johnnie Guilbert)Where stories live. Discover now