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Your POV

I can't Jimin, I'm sorry😵
I will always love you❤

Sent 12:15

I hit send, hoping he would give up and let me go. This may be selfish but I just want to have a few minutes to myself. Closing my eyes I realized that I bring him more pain than I do to myself. I'm just a burden in his life. I want him to be happy even if that happiness is without me. I grabbed my phone, shoving it into my back pocket as I walk out of the hotel. I kept walking until I met a bridge. Walking towards the railing I look down tears started to fall from my eyes. Looking into the water for my reflection. There was nothing...

I looked up at the sky. The moon shining its light on me. The cold winter breeze brushing against my face. My hair spread across my face in a waving motion as I look down again at the water. The water glistening with the reflection of the city lights but not of me. I took out my phone giving it one last glance.

4 new Message ❤Jiminie❤

35 missed calls from ❤Jiminie

Jimin's pov

My baby girl😚
No, you can't leave me. I love you too much. please come back to me. Please I can't lose you. You're my whole entire world. Please don't do this. Even if you hate me, just come back.

Sent 12:16

Tell me where you are? Please

Sent 12:16

Y/N its okay to come back. No one here is going to harm you. Please.

Sent 12:17

Y/N I'm headed out to look for you. I promise I will find you! No matter what.

Sent 12:25

I messaged her relentlessly and still no response.

I walked  out of the house the cold air surrounding me. What if y/n is freezing right now? Does she even have a jacket? I get into the car and begin the search for her.

I need you y/n. Where are you? I'm sorry I lied to you...

I could feel my tears streaming down my face. The thought of losing her was too much. It was all I could think about since the last time she was alone.


It was  the day we escaped Chanyeol. We made it out freely because of y/n. After we escaped we called the cops on Chanyeol. He was arrested but he never was found guilty for the crime he committed against us. He got out because of his rich family and what not... Whats so great about them anyways. Letting a jerk like that free. 

Anyways I was in America visiting my mother. At the time I thought it was best  that she stay in Korea because my mother doesn't really like her. But I regret  not taking her with me.

That day  I got to America, I receved a call from her, "Ji-Jimin-Jiminie I can't do this anymore. Chanyeol he can back to get me. He raped me" At first I didnt understand what she was saying cause she was crying. At the end of her sentence, I got loud and clear I was upset. It turns out when Chanyeol was released he decided to go looking for her. And when he found her. He ended up r-ra-ra-raping her. Its my fault. I knew i shouldve took her with me, "Are you serious y/n..." worry and anger filled my voice.

"Jiminie please come back. Hurry..." The line went dead. I left all my  stuff thinking of only y/n. I got on the next plane back to South Korea. It took me a whole day to get there. When I was traveling to her; I felt her struggling. I felt like I couldnt do anything I was useless. I tried calling her multiple times when I got back but it always went straight to voicemail. This made me even more worried.
By the time I reached the apartment I banged on the door hoping it would open. It didnt. I jumped the gate into her backyard. I ran inside in search of her.

"Y/n" I yelled for her. No response. "Y/n"again, still no response. I ran through the halls into different rooms finally her room was left. I rushed in looking around everywhere in the closet, under the bed. The last place that was left was the bathroom. I opened the door and there she was- lifeless surrounded by her own pool of blood. I grabbed her holding onto her tightly. "Y/n, please dont leave me." I cried holding onto her. At the time I thought she was going to die. I let go of her calling for an ambulance. They came and took her to the hospital.
"Your girlfriend, y/n" the doctors sighed, "Is in bad shape mentally, and physically. As of right now she is in a coma. It seems that the cut wasnt deep enough." I sighed at the good news, but "Due to her losing a lot of blood she will suffer from amnesia." I looked at the doctor worried, "Will she remember me?" looking at her.

"I think she will remember you." The doctor gave me a reassuring smile.

-End of flashback-

After a few hours of searching for y/n I couldn't find her. In this city; it would be impossible. I put my keys into the ignition one last time. Giving up, I sighed at how weak I was.

Ding. The alarming sound of my phone made me jump. I grabbed my phone, please be y/n.

Dr. Wang:

Did you have any luck finding her?


I looked at the message and threw my phone in back. My foot pressed down on the gas pedal. I was going faster by the minute, skipping stop signs, red lights, cars. Taking a hard turn, slamming down on the brakes. I shoved the gear into park. I at there thinking of how I could give up so easily.  I hit the steering wheel wildly. I yelled as loud as I could as I grasped the steering wheel; pressing my forehead against the back of my hands. I squeezed my eyes shut and clenched my teeth. The moonlight shining on each tear that fell onto my thigh. My hair ruffled from the multiple times I runned my fingers through it, out of frustration, and worry.

I groaned and pulled myself together. I just gave up and got out of the car and sighed. The cold air capturing my warm breath in a smoke like form.

I looked up to see a silhouette of a girl leaning over the railing of a bridge. She climbed onto the railing and stood up looking down at the water that lie beneath.

"Y/N...." my voice cracked.

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