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Medication.... Medication... Medication... What medication?  I guess what the doctor said was true. Other medications. How was Jimin giving them to me. How come I've never noticed. My mind was going crazy just thinking about it.

I looked down at the phone I was grasping onto. The screen holding evidence that Jimin really is holding onto a secret. A secret that deals with me. Which makes no sense at all. None...

The phone was ripped out of my hands by Jimin. He looked down at the screen and worried was plastered across his face. But then...

"What are you doing with my phone?"

Instead of answering him I asked him another question hoping for an answer, "Whose Dr. Wang? What medication? Jimin!"

"Wait... Jackson, his last name is Wang isn't it?" Thats the last thing on my mind before I left.

As I ran down the stairs I hit my arm against the railing a couple of times. Jimin trailing me from behind. I turned around and faced him. His hand reaching out for mine. Looking at him I couldnt do it. I left only taking my shoes and  my phone. I jumped into my car before I realized that I didn't even have keys. I hit the steering wheel in frustration my arm aching in more pain. "Owww" I held my arm closer to me.

I got out of the car, fear fueling me to run nonstop. The side of my stomach aching trying to slow me down.  Still running as fast as I can. I didn't care where I was running; I just wanted to leave. Tears still running down my face as I think about Jimins untruthfulness. I questioned myself about everything. Was any of it real?

I cant believe it. My Jiminie, isn't the person I thought he was. He wasn't a person I could trust. He's a liar.

Jimin POV

Y/N where are you?

I picked up my phone to call her. It was almost midnight and she still isn't back home. What do I do. She isn't capable of being on her own. She need someone to watch over her. she didnt pick up so I decided to call her friend/doctor Jackson. I've been texting him updating him about everything.

"Where do you think she went Jimin?" A deep worried voice said.

"I don't know Jackson, it could be anywhere" I'm thinking of possible places y/n could be. My heart began to race at the sudden thought of y/n hurting herself again. What do I do. What do I do. If I just... Ugghhhh whyyy. I grabbed my phone and sent messages to her, hoping the she will respond.

My Baby girl😍

 Y/n where are you? Please come back. Im worried for you.

Sent 11:45

Y/n please,  you have to trust me.

Sent 11:46

Babe its okay to come back. I wont hurt you

Sent 11:46

Please, if you love me. Just try to trust me. I promise I won't hurt you.

Sent 11:48

Author POV

Tears began to build, blinding Jimin. Tears were streaming down his face as all the thoughts of you hurting yourself again. He knew he should've told you about your condition, but he thought it would be better if he didn't. 'To keep her safe.' Is what he thought when he kept your condition a secret from you. But now he's thinking to himself whether or not that was the right choice. He pulled out his phone and sent you another message.

My Baby girl😍😘

I'm sorry I lied to you. I thought that I could keep you safe. But I only did it cause I love you. if I knew that you were gonna leave me, then I would've told you about your condition. But I didnt, I was thinking of myself. I thought I could keep it a secret from you. But keeping this secret only made things worst. Please believe me. I would never hurt you, I love you. Please come back to me.

 Sent 12:01

Author POV
-Hotel, Y/N-

While you were at a hotel re-thinking of what to do. Your phone was going off from the multiple texts that Jimin was sending you. As you scrolled through all the messages your eye caught one thing in the last message.

I'm sorry I lied to you. I know I thought that I could keep you safe. But I only did it cause I love you. if I knew that you were gonna leave me, I would've told you about your condition. But I didnt, I was thinking of myself. I thought I could keep it a secret from you. But keeping this secret only made things worst. Please believe me. I would never get you, I love you. Please come back to me.

Received 12:01

As soon as you saw that, the memories of the past started to come back to you. It made you feel a sharp pain shoot through your heart. It wasnt something you couldn't deal with by yourself so you tried your best not to think of it.


Jimin opened the bathroom door he saw you laying there lifeless. You saw him through your blurry vision and felt his arm wrapping around you. 'Y/N, please dont leave me.' You could see the fear in his eyes. The fear that he might lose you. Holding onto you tighter and you could hear the muffled cries.

He did it for you.

-End of flashback-

Your POV
The pain that I caused to Jimin was because of me. I messaged him one last time.

I can't Jimin, I'm sorry
I will always love you❤

Sent 12:15



A/N: ...

Secrets (PJM X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora