"Mell," Annie breathed, "You look like a hollywood starlette! Everyone's going to be talking about how great this dress is tomorrow after you're crowned the XFactor winner. Just remember to thank the dress' mommy, kay?"

"I could never forget to do that Har," I giggled, then realized something crappy, "Besides, I doubt I'll be the last one standing on that stage tonight."

"Stop it. I'm proud of you no matter what happens. Not just because you made it this far, but cause of everything you went through to get here. Got it? You did amazing last night hazzabear."

"Amazing might not cut it, little red."


"This is it!" The host cheered, "Time to find out who is going to take what place in this years XFactor season! The road has been long and hard for these final three contestants. America! You voted! Its time to find out if Mell, Stephanie, or Mikey will be finishing in third place tonight. Without another moment, third place goes to..."My palms were sweaty and knees were about to collapse when the host called out, "Mikey Santrez!"

Mikey and Josh Groban both look like they got hit in the face with a brick. At least they had the will power to pull themselves together for national television. Brittany on the other hand completely broke down. She was sobbing and clinging onto Mikey's shoulder. Her mic was shut off so no one but us on the stage could hear her tell Mikey how much she loved him and begging him to stay in touch. My heart was pulling at the site, but it wasn't cause Brittany was making a fool out of herself on national TV. No, it was cause Mikey, the only sweet person on Team Brittany hadn't moved on. If anyone on that team deserved to be in the finals, it was him.

As we cut to commerical break, everyone was rushed off the stage. I swear, I blinked once and the boys were already surrounding me. They were cheering loud enough to make me permenantly deaf, maube even make the entire arena deaf. Annie pushed her way through the boys and just about tackled me into a hug. That nutball, almost ruing the dress she made, and that was after she forbabe me to drink, eat, sweat, pee, laugh, or breathe heavily in this dress.

"FOR!" Louis called out and all five choursed together,"She's a jolly good fellow! For She's a jolly good fellow! For she's a jolly good fellow! That nobody can deny!"

"Wait," Niall said, scratching his head, "If she's a girl, is it still fellow?"

"YES!" Louis yelled.

"Fellow is for a boy though!" Niall persisted.

"Just google it!" Liam ordered, tossing his phone over to them.

He pulled me off to the side then wrapped me up, gently, in his big arms. I let his woodsy smell steady my racing heart, then snuggled into his chest. I wanted him near me, as close as possible, or I might've broken into a million of tiny pieces.

"What's wrong babes," He asked, peering at me with his soft brown eyes.

"I feel like I'm going to be sick," I shuddered, "I just can't handle being out there and waiting to find out. Its killing me. I know its not goign to be me, why can't they just tell me already?"

"How do you know its not you?"

"Because! I'm against Stephany, she made be a sea witch but she's clever, and knows how to get votes."

"Worried much?" a voice sneered from behind me, "You ought to be."

"What do you want Stephany?" I sighed, turning in Laim's tense arms to face her.

"I just thought I'd be  nice and ask if you wanted an autograph and a picture with the new winner of XFactor."

"It hasn't been announced yet," Liam hissed at her, "A snake like you wouldn't win in a million years."

"No matter how many delinquents you screw over to take care of your dirty work," Annie chimed in, walking over with the rest of the boys behind her.

"You know snakes are dangerous," Stephanie smirked, and winked at Liam.

At that point I laughed. I had to. It was just comical to watch her try and flirt with a guy that wouldn't give her the time of day. It was kinda sad the way she thought they would be crawling at her feet but then the boys just turn away grossed out. Serves her right though.

"No matter how many lives you try to ruin," I started to say after laughing, "No matter how many put downs you try to throw at me, or how many times you talk big about yourself, you won't get anything. Nothing important. You may be successful,but you'll be lonely, while I'll have the six most amazing people in the world around me. So enjoy that, if you happen to win tonight."

I stuck my hand out for her to shake, but Stephanie just walked away.


"And now, the winner of this season of XFactor is...."

Its not me. He's not going to call me. I didn't win. This is the end of it...


I couldn't help myself. I just jumped ten feet in the air as soon as I heard my name called. It wasn't the most lady like thing to do in a dress, but hey, I've never been known for being lady like. Tears were streaming down my face as I hugged Simon thanking him a billion times.  He passed me off to a group hug from the boys and walked over to the host. Annie tugged me away from Louis and Harry, who for some reason thought celebrating meant plastering stickers all over my face, and almsot squeezed the life out of me. I escaped, gasping for air, only to be pulled into a strong chest. One that was confortable and that I fit perfectly next to. A woodsy smell overwhlemed  me and I felt a familiar pair of lips melt into mine and send a warmth through my entire body. Liam blocked out everything, the cheering, Stephanie's tantrum, the confetti. It was just him and me.

I was only brought back to my senses when I heard Simon say, "As a winner, Mell will now not only be signing a year long contract with SYCO records, but also be heading our XFactor Tour. Which we have extended to ten month tour, to visit more cities and more of the fans for the show!"

Everything blured out again, even Liam. It just hit me. My life...it was about to go in muliple directions. More than I could imagine. But..it didn't look like any of them had Liam by my side.

The End.

Wow....its actually over...I feel happy and excited, but sad at the same time. PLEASE don't kill me for the way it ended! there wil be a sequal. It has the whole gang back together AFTER the xFactor tour, but not everything is the same. Also there will be new characters popping in, like eleanor, clements, and Alexander. Also minor characters in this story will be reappearing more often like Danielle, and Suzie. I won't be posting it for a coupld of weeks cause of my other story and school work I have to do, so stick around for updates.

I just wanna thank all of you for reading this. it means so much your all so incredible and I'm just so blessed to have amazing people that read my stories. Please, commetn and let me know what you think it :) thanks again CHECK OUT SING ME A SONG! :) - gabs <3

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