The Boys Are Here!

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One hour. Really? That's all they gave me. One hour to find somehting not stupid to meet One Direction. Currently, I was in shorts with sheep that had "DREAMER" stretched out on the back. I kept tugging at my sleeve that was determined to slip off my shoulder. Luckily, my pony tail kept my long brown hair out off my face. It was amazingly pin straight today, but that meant it was determinded to get in my way whilst searching. Annie was on my laptop screen supervising my frantic search.

Cocking her head to the side she said "You know....that 'DREAMER' is REAAAAAAAALLLY stretched out. Did your butt get bigger?!" She giggled evilily and I wiggled my butt back at her, "OH NOO! your gonna make the dreamer pop off!!!"

There was a knock at the door in the middle of our giggle fit. Thinking it was Suzie offering close and a fangirl outlet (I couldn't ruin the surprise for Annie) I signed off chat and pulled the door wide open.

"HI!! We're one Direction!!!"

Even before i had time to process i heard a voice yell, "Sheep!! THEY'RE SO FLUFFY!!"

"Louis you can't you just met her 16 seconds ago!!!" Liam protested as Louis ran up and petted my shorts. I felt my face light up like a Christmas tree and I tried to hide my shorts and face at the same time.

"These must be for her then..." an Irish voice offered into the akward silence.

"Well give them to her!" Liam lightly scolded, grabbing the clothes and dropping them into my arms.

I started at them, just blinking, watching Niall and Liam. The clothes in my arms could cover my shorts thankfully, but Louis pouted and whimpered, "bye bye sheep..."

Me, being as cool as I am, said, "I...change...bathroom...back.....PEE!" and ran into my bathroom

After closing the door behind me I took a shakey breath. Shaking my head, I knew I had to make a better impression then running away to pee. Normally, I would have been talking like crazy while Annie ran, the shy little red head.  I held out the clothes that Suzzie had given the boys to give to me. The black skinny jeans - that I lent her - were going to fit me perfectly. she bought me a teal top - with spagetti strap and a fitted bodace that turned into swaying fray right at the top of my hips.  perfect! As I pulled on the clothes and brushed out my thankfully still pin straight hair I could hear the boys talking outside.

"She has to pee..." Harry giggled, making Niall and Zayn chuckle too.

"DO NOT JOKE ABOUT MATTERS OF THE BLADDER THEY ARE SERIOUS!" Louis shouted at the three of them.

Chuckling to myself I opened the door and walked to properly meet the boys, and found them spread out around my room. Louis comentting on the size of his butt on my calender; Zayn checking out my collection of brushes, Harry and Niall were trying to join the other two, but Liam held them back. 

"Sorry about that!" I said into the quiet room, making all the boys jump and look at me. Grabbing a black beanie and pulling it down on my head, I continued, "I'm Mell Spriker. Not short for Melanie or Melody or Melanie, just Mell. hahahaha"

All the boys chorused back 'hi' and I looked at each of the. Louis in his signature stripes was looking at me like a puppy about to go on a walk. Niall was smilling his sweet Irish smile in his white polo. Zayn was standing with his charming 'swag', wearing a purple long sleeve polo with a grey sweater over. Liam seemed to be giving me a symapethic smile as he stood looking at me in a white hoodie with his navy blue and charcoal grey plaid collared shirt poking out from underneath. Harry was wearing a tan colored blazer over a white v neck shirt and his eyes were locked on mine with an intenisty masked and mixed with a soft tenderness.

Clearing my throat, I suggested,"Who wants to go on a tour!!!"

I was answered by four badly concealed groans.

Slumping my shoulders to a more comfortable, less-lady-like position I said, "yeah, yeah, I know its the most boring part if you ask me. BUT its protocal and I'll get into huge trouble if you guys don't end up someplace because you missed the tour and end up lost...which you guys will probably do anyway --"

"TRUE!" Louis interjected

"I knew it, but this way I don't get into trouble." I finished sticking my tounge at them.

They all just shuffled their feet, not getting any closer to the door.

"Put it this way, the first stop is down the stairs through the back hall and and on the left. There, you'll find a magical place with --"

"FOOD!!!!" Niall finished for me.

Niall, Louis, Zayn, and Harry were out of the room before I could finish nodding my head.

Hey guys!!!! Finally, the boys are here!!! sorry it took so long:/ hope you guys are liking it. Don't worry theres going to be more of annie soon. hope yall are loving it! -gabs <3

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