Aftermath. No One Likes It.

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Hey guys!! first off this chapter is dedicated to @Nyrdeegurl because im a big fan and she said she's going to read my story! WHOOT!! so yeah haha yall should check out Expelled by her its incredible. so sorry i didnt update yesterday but i think this is going to be a long update so I hope it makes up for it! :D thanks for all the prayers and support for idol auditons I cant believe the ones that emails I got saying good luck and stuff SHOUTOUTS!!!! to @OneDStoleMyHeart @Puppyluv04 @AlynnTWDirectioner @dowawe for messaging me supports God bless yall thanks so much its means a lot :D Im sorry if i missed anyone. Also, no one did the Liam contest so that has no dedication :( i guess im going back to dedicating to anyone that likes to chat :D (unless you already got one then i may not give you another haha) soo yeah I think thats everything. OOOOH! no its not! I'm thinking of starting a new story LET ME KNOW WHAT YALL THINK of me doing it if your interested or not. @AnaNiaGraffigna is being a hog though and wont let me post until she gets to read everything but ill try haha :) OKAY thats everything. Thanks again! enjoy! - gabs <3

Once we agreed to go back to the Fort, I turned away so no one could see my face. My smile dropped. I'm was too tired to keep faking it. I mentally said screw it and let my feet drag in the ground and my head hang low. The other conversations that went on around me I tuned out; I didn't want to hear what they had to say. It would've only added to the war pounding the sides on my head. All the things that Clay told me, that he reminded me of, kept forcing their way into my thoughts. Screw him.

I didn't notice we were at the car until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around, and slapped the hand away. My eyes widened crazily. Yup, I'm so very sane.

"Its me Mell," Liam said.

He had thrown his hands up in surrender, trying not to spook me. His eyebrows were raised, questioning me. I stared back at him, quivering. His touch spread comfort through me, something I want more of everytime and that sent shivers down my spine. Then I did the stupiest thing I could've done; I looked in his eyes. They were big and brown and seemed to grow with worry as he studied me. Those eyes were what I fell asleep thinking about and the first thought in my mind woke up. I trembled as I fought against thinking about him like that. No. I am not going to let myself get attached.

There's only one person that I know will stay, he promised. I ran into the car and tackled Louis, burring myself in his arms.

"Hey!" Harry protested, "that's my spot!"

Louis shushed him with a look, and said to me, "Ello there love! You alright?"

I hugged him tighter and said, "You're the only one that promised. I know you won't leave..."

I had hoped that only Louis would hear, but Harry rushed next to me saying, "Mell Bells, Louis' not the only one. I promise too."

I noticed his sparky green eyes were serious. These boys and their eyes, I swear, it's going to be the death of me.

I looked back and forth between Harry and Louis, forcing a small smile. I have to trust them...but only them. No one else had heard the exchange since they were too busy getting into Annie's car. I noticed Liam looked hurt as he saw me snuggled between Harry and Louis. It doesn't matter...I can't trust him...can I? Zayn sat next to him and clapped him on the back when he saw his face. Annie got into the drivers seat and Niall was next to her. I noticed he was rubbing her arm and wiping away tears. I closed my eyes on all of this. I don't want to see it. I don't want to see my my friends look so defeated. Looks like the happy act is up for all of us.


When we got back to the Fort, Harry offered to make dinner, letting Annie take a break. He dragged Zayn with him for help. Since Harry left to the kitchen I clung to Louis' side. No use putting on a brave face at this point anyway.

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