OH, the tour...

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As Niall, Zayn, Louis, Harry dashed ahead to the food, Liam walked with me at a slower pace. After a few moments of silence I spoke up.

"Hey Liam?"


"I just wanted to say thanks for earlier...with the clothes and all...I probably would've stayed there embarassing myself a lot longer if you hadn't dropped the clothes on me and snapped me out of it so thanks." I smiled up at him.

He gave a chuckle and said, "Its okay, we did kinda switch up with that blonde girl you were expected. I figured your were a fan that got a little overwhelmed," gesturing to the charm braclet on my wrist.

"Do you like it???" I said holding it up to show it off, "My best friend Annie gave it to me. Dude, she would have loved to meet you guys, we're both huuuuuuge fans. Just yesterday we spent two whole hours obbessing over the video diaries and ----" I cut myself short feeling my cheeks burn red and I realized how I just described my crazy fan-ness to him....

Liam busted out laughing, "Did we almost run into a fangirl?! That could've been messy!"

"Fangirling equals best. punishment. EVER!" I said in mock seriousness.

"Twitter!" he said, pulling out his phone.

I stuck my tongue out at him and then proceeded to race him to the kitchen. When we got there, it was in chaos. The boys were running around trying to cook. The actual cooks were running around trying to stop them. There was a steam stream of smoke from the burning mess in the frying pan contributing to the darkened haze that covered the room. Stephanie was glaring back and forth between the boys and the piece of toast in her hair. Suzzie was giggling and clapping to the mayhem. No Mikey - he must've dug out before things got messy. Flour was everywhere and there were two eggs laying broken on the floor. The bread was spread out all over the table. And the fruit ended up on the walls. Beautiful.

A smile tugged at my lips even though I tried to keep a stern face at the odd scene. Liam ran forward to pull Louis away from a very pull blender but was forced to retreat when Louis pulled a spoon on him and wagged it like a sword to keep Liam at bay. Grabbing the blender, Louis threw it on Liam and Zayn who had been passing behind Liam at the time. Laughing at the faces of horror, Louis yelled, "FOOD FIGHT" and all hell proceeded to break loose.  

Louis was pelted by smashed fruits (the ones that were on the wall) by Niall, who darted away laughing like a leprechaun before retaliation occurred. Zayn had gone after Niall with a couple pieces of buttered toast. Suzzie popped up out of no where and poured her very full bowl of cereal on Liam's head. She skipped out of the kitchen before he could even find out who his attacker was. Wheeling around before he could get attacked again, Liam threw a bucket of cream over the nearest person. That person just so happened to an, until then, elusive Niall, who was now soaking wet and had cream dripping from his nose.

So far I had escaped to a secluded corner, and was simply loving every second of the boys pelting each other with food. I had secretly started filming so that they could watch every play by play later. No one bothered me or even saw me, so I wasn't freaking out or getting jumpy at the slightest movement. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw a dark shape creeping slowly towards me. I turned just in time to see crouching Harry smirk up at me. I took a step back, placing the camera on the well covered side table behind me so it could still capture the rest of the fight. My back hit the counter and I looked side to side desperately looking for a way out.

Harry snatched me away from my little corner and spun me around so that my back was to his stomach. Still dizzy from the quickness of being captured I didn't put up much of a fight when Harry wrapped an arm around me, pinning me to him. By the time I realized what was going on, I was throughly pinned against him. Every time I tried to wiggle myself free, he held me closer. Harry held a partly peeled banana at my throat -at a perfect angle to smash into my face.

Multiple Directions (one direction fan fiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ