The Fort and a Redhead

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Hey guys! guess who's back?? well read and find out :) Also theres a new character introduced in this chapter. tell me what yall think of him! enjoy! - gabs<#

"MEEEEEEEEEELL!!!! Are we there yet???" Niall whined from the backseat.

We had been driving for the past 15minutes in my old pickup truck.After Simon told us to go to the Fort, we swung by my room, grabbed my laptop and a bag of clothes, then grabbed the boys stuff and piled everything into my car.  It was an old Ford pickup - blue my favorite color- that could seat  six uncomfortably. The boys were fighting over the two front seats that had the most leg room. It came down to who was fastest.  Liam and Louis got there first, so Niall, Harry, and Zayn had to climb into the virtually non existant backseat. The seats were leather but broken in, so that you sunk down into the seat when you sat down. The bed was loaded with the boy's luggage: two suitcases for Liam and Niall, three for Harry and Louis, and five for Zayn. (don't worry i had the cover on so nothing flew away). The back of my car was loaded with stickers, anti-abortion ones, portugese ones, witty ones about really cheesy driving jokes, and my 1D driving stickers. We had to slowly drive out of the back so that no one would see us pullling out of the X-factor lot and follow. There was a lot of backroads that we had to take because there was less of a chance that someone would recongize us than if we were stuck on traffic.

"No, another 10 minutes!" I told him throwing another pudding cup towards the cramped back seat, while keeping my hands on the wheel.

"PUDDING!!!!!" Zayn, Harry, and Niall all yelled. Oh no, I didn't think Harry and Zayn would be getting hungry; they were wrestling with a very vicious Niall over the pudding. Liam, who was sitting next to me, tried to reach back and sort it out, but retreated hastily after his hand got bit in the fight. Suddenly Louis had a stroke of genius and threw two more pudding cups from the front seat to the back and a hush fell on the back seat.

"Thanks Lou," I said, pushing a strand of hair back.

"Hey you're driving excellent," Liam praised, "When you'd get your lisence?"

"Umm about 6 months ago, i had my provisional just last week though," I answered. (a/n yeah no idea if thats the amount of time your supposed to wait...

"WOW!! You're better than Harry and he got his lisence a couple months before you!" Louis exclaimed form the other side of Liam.

"NOT!" Harry pouted from the back while the boys and I laughed. 

We drove up a windy road that was nicely hidden by trees and parked on the side of a long gravel drive way. The boys and I all hoped out - well Harry, Niall, and Zayn more tumbled out - and ran straight for the back of th truck. As soon as I pulled off the hood my phone started playing that's "What Makes You Beautiful". All five boys started singing along really loudly. Laughing, I dug my phone out of my pocket right at the "Na, na, na, na, na, na" part and Niall cried, "WAIT!!! I lost count!!!" "Again?!" the rest of the boys groaned.

I shushed them with a wave of my hand and answered by phone. "Hello?"

"Hey there Hazza whats up?" Annie said.

"HIIIIIIILOOOOOO! I just got to the Fort, you?" I answered. She was the only one not in XFactor, besides my mom, that knew how to find the Fort,

"That's the one where you have to drive up that windy road right? And me? Nothing really,"she said, but I noticed a lot of noise in the background.

"Annie what's that racket in the background....where are you??"

"No where special, GOT TO GO BYE!" and she hung up.

Multiple Directions (one direction fan fiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora