Chapter Seven

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Yasmeen POV

No, am okay aunt, i said to aunty Asmau

You can call me mum okay? You're also my daughter

I thought you won't like it, i said smiling

She will and i also don't mind if you call me mum too, aunty Rukky said coming in

Okay from now on, i will call you mummy A while aunty Rukky, mummy R i said and we all chuckle

What this, Mummy R said pointing at my shoulder

Nothing, i said adjusting my cloth to cover the scar

Don't tell me nothing, you can share your problem with us okay, Mummy A said holding my hand

He gave me the scar, i said


Him, i said and they both look at each other confusely

That night, i was hopeless, broken and naked. He was sharp as knife. That night, i broke away from happiness  and embraced tears and sadness. That night, i lost everything i had. I forgot to smile. I forgot to live. I lost my dignity. I lost myself. I began to hate myself. No matter how many times i bath and pray, to me i was always dirty ,I said as tears flow freely on my face

I thought it won't happen again until i heard the footsteps coming and i knew it will be another long night. Something inside me scream this time as his words were cruel and ruthless. I sat down there scared knowing that i couldn't cry. He threw me, hit me and covered my mouth, not allowing me to make a sound. I struggle hard to release myself from his forceful grip but couldn't as he have his way. I was hurt and in pain. I closed my eyes wishing the time would just pass by and the next time i open my eyes, i will see the angel of death. From then on, my life has been forever change. I hate him with everything in me and so much more but one day, i wish to end this war i said as tears flow on mummy A and mummy R face

We were silent as three of us sob quietly

What about your mum? She doesn't know about it? Mummy R ask

She d.....

Yasmeen, Yasmeen, I heard Amaar shouting my name and i run downstairs

Na'am, i said with a shaking voice

What the hell is this? He ask shouting on top of his voice

It.. It.. It.. It pancake, mum a...

Shut up, he bark throwing a glass plate at me, which hit my hand and before i knew,i was bleeding


Stay out of this please, he said to mummy R

Come here, he said pulling my hair and start dragging me on the stairs as i cried in pain

Amaar please, Amaar am pregnant, have fear of Allah, fear him Amaar, I said crying as mummy A and R beg him but he kept dragging me

He drag me into our room and lock the door

Amaar please, don't do that to me, please, for Allah sake,i said as he unbuckled his belt

Do you think i have fear of him, he said to my utmost shock and that when i realized he don't use to even pray

You can say his name again, i don't care okay, he said and drag me to the bed. He tied my hand and leg on each side of the bed. I wanted to fight back, I wanted to stop him but i was so weak so i just lay there. I could not even cry cause no matter how i cried, no one can save me

He have his way and raped me. The pain was too much that i could not feel any pain again. I almost pass out when he stood up, open the side drawer and brought out an injection and inject me. I felt weak at first but after some second, i was so strong

You must not pass out, he said and raped me again. I was crushed like ice, like twenty tons have been thrown on my soul. Everything inside me was dying. Tears start to flow, like a river of ocean as i allowed the pain to engulf me, taking me away yet keeping me chained. My mind scream, my body ache. I wish Allah will do justice to me by taking away my soul but he didn't

Amaar, why are you hurting me? My lips finally utter something as he stood up

Cause you are born to suffer, he said and chuckle

Amaar have mercy on me. I am not asking you to love me but please stop hurting me, the pain is too much, it too much, it too much i said as i allow darkness to engulf me

10minute later

Yasmeen wake up, please don't go and leave us, wake up i heard Fareeda voice crying as i tried to open my eyes

Alhamdulilah, she is awake, she is awake, I heard Mummy R voice

Don't stand up, you need some rest, Mummy A said

Get her a cup of water, a lady around my age said

Okay doctor, Fareeda said

What about my baby? Hope my baby is okay?

Calm down please

Tell me, is my baby okay, i said crying and holding the doctor collar . I will never forgive Amaar if i lose my baby

My Yasmeen 😭😭 .. What if she loose her baby? Will she hate Amaar? Will she stand up for herself? What if she doesn't?

Well, stay tuned for the next chapter
Love u loads cuties

HAZE OF HOPELESSNESS Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora