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I injected Richard with a serum I made to knock him out since he has been exposed to many different kinds of drugs in his life he would come back after a bit from a normal one. Now that the first part of my plan is completed I need to start phase two, and for that, I need a certain villain to do what I need if he doesn't comply then, I must use more harm inducing methods. I take my apprentice to my infirmary, and strap him down in case he wakes up sooner than I expect. Now to pay a visit to the person I need.

"Wintergreen." I say while walking out of the room.

"Yes, Slade?"

"Watch Richard, and in case he wakes give him this. I tell him handing the serum over.

Wintergreen sighs before taking the bottle. I quickly grab some more weapons to restock my utility belt.

"I will try to be back soon."

"Why are you so obsessed with the boy, he had a tough life as it is."

"I am not obsessed William, he just happens to be the right individual that I need for an apprentice, and beside the Bat was not letting him reach his full potential."

"Remember Grant, Jericho, Rose, and Adeline."

"I told you not to mention them again!"

"Just do not make the same mistake again Slade."

"You actually think I will." I say in a menacing voice.

William sighed and then told me not to put my goals, and pride ahead of me this time.

Just watch the boy." Is all I say before exiting the hidden building.

I finally reach my destination of this terribly hidden base in a petty warehouse.

"Hm, so much for security," I scoff while rolling my eye.

I swiftly unsheath my sword, and enter the building with no sound made.

"There you are." I smirk knowing my plan is going well.

Sneaking up to the guy was so easy I would have thought it would be tougher, knowing his power.

I place my sword on his back as he turns around fast.

"Well done, I didn't think I needed security with my ability."

"Tsk, don't be so ahead of yourself Psimon, anyways I need you to do a favor for me."

"Why should I." He said trying to be hostile but, it was not very good.

"How about you help me, and I won't do anything...harsh."

"You need help? I thought I would never see the day."
"You won't pretty soon."

"Fine...fine what do you need?"

"You need to erase someone's memories for me, and switch them around."
"I am amused, however who is it may I ask."

"You may, and it is Robin the Bat's partner."

"Risky, although it seems like a blast."

"Good, you are coming now." I say cutting the conversation short then leading the idiot to my backup base where Richard is. I entered the building with Psimon following close which is annoying, too bad I need him.

"Wintergreen, did he wake up?" I ask my long-time friend.

"No, Deathstroke he did not." It appears William remembered to call me Deathstroke around strangers.

"Very well, come Psimon just this favor that is all then you must leave."

"Yes, I know." He said starting for me to wish I went through with spilling his blood.

"What makes you think you can take the Batman's partner?"

"Don't question my actions, I am the best Batman will stand no chance."

"Don't get ahead of yourself, you are a villain why would the kid follow you?"
"You idiot, that's why you are changing him."

My voice grew more deadly as I said "You called me a villain. Never thought of myself as that. I'm a mercenary. A soldier for hire."

"Wow, and they say I'm pathological."

"Just do what you must and leave before I kill you."

"Thin line indeed Deathstroke."

We entered the room where Richard is only to see him awake almost out of his binds.

"I would never join you, I already have a mentor!" I sigh didn't we go through this already.

"I chose you as an apprentice Robin you should be honored."

"Why the hell would I be honored to be an apprentice to a killer!"

"Perhaps because your greatest fear is living up to the Bats expectations and failing, or maybe it is the fact that you are slowly becoming him."

"I am nothing like him!"

"Hm, if you were honored to be his 'partner' why would you be so afraid of becoming him?"

"That is none of your damn business!"

"Oh, but it is Robin."

"I thought you work alone it seems you can't handle the task alone!"

That seemed to strike a nerve for me being that he believes I can't break him myself.

"But I can Robin, and I will show you just how. Psimon you are to leave."

"Why did I even come here to waste my ability? Psimon says die!"

"So predictable Psimon, it almost humors me."

I easily resist him shameful metal blasts as I slice his arm to the point of almost no use.

"I suggest you leave Psimon next time I won't be so fair." I glare at the pathetic man as he swiftly leaves the room.

"Now Robin, I believe you don't think I can break you. Oh trust me I can, and it will be fun."

"I suppose this is the part where I say " You are crazy." But, I think you can figure out that on your own."

"Amusing Richard although, I still don't like the sarcasm."

"Why would I care?" I tried to keep my calm but, this boy is infuriating.

"You will listen, apprentice!" I say while hitting him hard.

He seems to keep a look with no emotions which pleases me being he has a high pain tolerance that will not be hard to strengthen.

"You are to start training right away."

"Yeah, and how will you make me?"

"You will or I will make you wish you listened right away!"

"Don't count on it."

I slash his arm not too bad to affect performance too much, but to still hurt a lot being I put a chemical on my blade to make wounds more painful.

"Now you have to train injured apprentice to see where that got you."

"I don't even have any weapons!"

"I have a uniform for you with a utility belt." I go to the cabinet to take it out, and hand to Richard.

He looks through it with disgust, and yet some amusement which makes me know he will be a great apprentice if he is somewhat intrigued by the more lethal weapons.

"These are made to kill why would I use them?"

"You are my apprentice now are you not which means you will learn to be a mercenary."

"Like hell..."

"Finish that sentence, and you will regret it even more than your last mistake. Now change and meet me in the training room there is a computer on your arm more high tech then your last, and Robin if you try to escape You will quickly learn not to overestimate me." I say before leaving to go to the training room for my first lesson with my new apprentice.

Crawling to Death's doorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن