Chapter 25: You're Not Alone

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Alexis was still sobbing, but it stopped, she could feel hr heart drop a bit. 

"The secrets he and I know are dangerous if the wrong people got their hands on them." Nightshade said. "They could destroy the whole Galaxy in a matter of minutes..." Alexis stared at him wide-eyed. "Sorry...Didn't mean to scare you...Once you all know the basics...maybe some of these secrets will be important to you. But until then...try not to worry too much about it. Just enjoy the relaxation while it lasts." 

Alexis smiled. "Thanks Nightshade."

"You should probably get back to Jaden..." He said, a little bit of nervousness in his voice.

"In a little bit..." Alexis yawned. "Would you...Would you whistle again...?" She asked quietly. Nightshade began to whistle the same tune, but much quieter. Alexis drifted off to sleep in a few moments.

"Am I just a bed now...Why are they all so tired all time..." Nightshade thought. "I'll look into it later... I'll just let them sleep for now." 

Nightshade looked down at Alexis's sleeping face. He breath coming out lightly as she had a faint smile on her face.

"She's so...cute..." Something in Nightshade's head said.

"Shut up Crimson. She's Jaden's." Nightshade answered in his head.

"Whatever Nighty."

"Don't make me do something dumb while I'm asleep...Alright?"

"Fine. Fine."

Nightshade swept a strand of loose hair behind her ear. His eyes locked onto her lips. His breathing got awkward as he looked at her soft, plush lips. 

"The hell did I just tell you Crimson. Don't make me do something stupid! You know I don't have much energy left, keeping Nightmare and Bloodlust down is doing a fuckin' number on what I got left."

"Alright. Alright. I'll quit it for real...Actually...That wasn't me. I didn't do anything."

Nightshade quickly turned his head away from Alexis and closed his eyes.

"Damn it...Why would I think about that...?" Nightshade thought. His sister started to groan again, but didn't say anything. She just shifted some of her weight to her right side, still laying on his chest.

"I just need more sleep...Yeah. Then I'll be all recharged...hopefully." 

Nightshade closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Jaden walked around the corner, looking for Alexis.

"Alexis?" He called out. He glanced around the room. His eyes stopped on Nightshade and his sister. Jaden began to walk closer, he froze when he saw Alexis curled up into his side. Her eyes and cheeks were a slight pink, a little tear streak was still on her cheek. Jaden's anger and jealousy started to take hold, he could feel the darkness inside of himself manifesting into something violent. He drew his hand up, balled up into a fist. Yubel appeared next to him and quickly grabbed his hand.

"Don't." She said, still holding back his hand. Jaden dropped his hand and dropped to the floor, looking away from the couch.

"Why is she with him?! If she needed to be comforted, why didn't she come to me?"

"Because your the one she needs comfort from. You saw what happened after they all learned about abilities as a strategist. They know your still hiding something." Yubel said. Jaden sighed and sprawled out on the floor, moaning quietly.

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