Chapter Ten: Buckle Up, Buttercup. You Just Flipped My Bitch Switch!

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Hey there! Here's the new one. Hope you guys like it! Above is a picture of Alexis. ^

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Lemme know how it was!

"Don't feel stupid if you don't like what everyone else pretends to love." - Emma Watson.

Chapter Ten

The next day I kept an eye out for Alexis. We didn't have same classes so there was no way other than this to seek her out. Travis, Dawn and Kiara were also looking for her. Travis had become very well known in the few weeks after joining our school, especially in the female department much to Dawn's very secret ire. So he had some of his new friends looking for her too.

Last night when I told them about Alexis and Carl, they were shocked and eager to help in any way they could. Dawn was especially able to understand as she had her own fair share of dad troubles.

Dawn's father was as ignoring as he was rich. He was usually away on trips and such and sometimes didn't even talk to her for months. When he was here, he brought home multiple women every night and attended parties and lunches in the day.

Dawn still wasn't able to decide which one she preferred.

That always made me appreciate my dad more.

I pushed my raven strands behind my ear while doing another survey of the cafeteria and huffed with annoyance. Just where was this girl?

"She's not going to magically pop out from thin air in front of you just because you want her to." Kiara casually remarked while arranging her food in what resembled to be a mini army of dogs.

She even defined the eyes with little peas.

What could I say, the girl had a brain that was attuned to a different frequency altogether.

"As if I didn't know that. If it was possible, I would've Accio'd her ass a long while ago."

Kiara snorted at my reply while Dawn giggled proudly.

It was all thanks to her that we were such Potterheads after all.

"I wish I could Accio something I want." Kiara looked like she was lost to her own personal La La Land while checking out a guy that passed our table and had no plans of coming back anytime soon.

I had a feeling that many things in that particular La La Land would cause Dawn and I to blush like the innocent little virgins we were.

I just shook my head at her wistful expression and got up from my chair.

"Be right back."

I wanted to talk to Mr. Wilson, the drama teacher, about the annual talent show. He had made it clear that he wanted me to participate this year and would take no excuses.

He went as far as to threaten me that he would drag me to the stage himself in cuffs if he had to. He was kidding obviously. I hope.

After skipping the auditions last year by pretending to have the flu, I didn't see a way out if it this time around. Don't get me wrong, I loved performing but Mr. Wilson was a little....overbearing.

Mr. Wilson was a person with a passion for dance and music who had taken a very strong liking to me after he saw me dance in the class on the first day of school. He claimed that he 'discovered' me and was just waiting for me to open my wings and soar in the open sky full of opportunities.

Dramatic, right?

I decided to take a shortcut to the teacher's room so I could get this over as quickly as possible. I started walking in the secluded hallway when I heard voices coming.

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