Chapter Nine: I Swear I'll Crush Your Pea-Sized Brain And Make You Choke On It.

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Hey! Here's another one! Hope you guys like it!

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"It's never too late for a new beginning in your life."- Joyce Meyers.

Chapter Nine

Before I knew it, the winter break was over and I was back in the hallway walking to my next class. Time sure flies when you are trying to drown yourself in chocolate and ice-cream while watching sappy movies. And if I wasn't doing that, I was at the studio, dancing away till my limbs ached.

My resolution was clearly as strong as ever.

After the New Year's Eve, whenever I saw Jason, accidently or pre-planned, I behaved more normal than a normal best friend who wasn't trying to lock away her feelings in a box stronger than the strongest vault on earth.

I ignored the fluttering of my stomach when he looked at me with those mesmerizing grey eyes. I disregarded the blush on my cheeks whenever he smiled that lopsided grin at something that I said. I overlooked the beats my heart skipped every time my phone buzzed with a text from him. I unheeded everything about him that made me melt in a disgusting puddle of goo.

Such an unbreakable iron-clad resolve, wasn't it?

I groaned. I was such a goner.

Someone shouted my name and I turned around to see Jake running towards me. How he managed to do that without knocking people over in his haste was a mystery. He was completely out of breath when he finally reached me.

"Hey." He panted.

"Hi." I replied a little unsure. People were giving us strange looks as they passed. I guess anyone would be shocked to see Jake, one of the heartthrobs of our school, talking to a 'commoner' like me.

Ugh, stereotypes.

"Um listen. I just wanted to apologize to you if I made you feel uncomfortable that day. I swear that wasn't my intention. I guess I just got carried away." He fiddled with his sleeve nervously.

Aww, he was apologizing. How cute.

"It's alright, Jake. No kiss, no foul." I joked, trying to make light of the situation.

"And I was wondering if I could take you on a date to make it up to you?" He looked even more nervous. I backtracked. What?

"It's alright, Jake. You don't need to-" I tried to politely decline but he interrupted me.

"But I want to. Please?" His eyes pleaded wordlessly.

I groaned, not being able to see a way out of this.

"Fine. But just one date. That's it." I didn't want any misunderstandings regarding this.

He nodded eagerly and promised to text me later.

I just continued my way, hoping this didn't turn out to be a bad idea.

The feeling in my gut said otherwise.


Jake barely looked up from his phone the first 15 minutes since we entered the fancy restaurant. His eyes were glued to the screen like magnets to iron. The only time he looked up from his phone was to order food and make a few comments here and there.

Clearly, the date was going fantastic.

I adjusted my skirt; cursing Kiara for making me wear such a fancy one despite my insistence to keep it casual. She and Dawn went pretty ballistic on me when I showed them what I was going to wear. Dawn made me wear one of her pretty outfits while Kiara expertly did my make-up. it took them hours. Literally.

Jake didn't even notice it.

Why bring a girl to a date when you're already oh so clearly in love with your phone?

At least he put in some effort on his appearance tonight. His raven hair was styled back with some gel and he wore a white shirt with black washboard jeans.

I was nearly about to die from boredom when the food arrived. Jake perked up at the sight of our extravagant dinner and I swear he was drooling a bit. Boys and their food, I rolled my eyes.

I took a bite from my plate and nearly moaned out load. Yum. I'd have to tell dad about this. He wasn't happy when he learned that Jake was taking me to the restaurant of his nemesis, Carl Olsen. My dad wasn't usually the kind of person that would speak negatively about someone but Carl Olsen was generally the cause of his random rants. From what I gathered from his hate speeches, Carl was a great chef but was too much of an alcoholic to care about anything, not even his only daughter. Early success messed with his brain and he quickly went down the wrong way. He never married either.

I took another bite when I heard the sound of something breaking. I saw Alexis bent and fussing over the broken plate about 5 tables away. She worked here? I was about to get up and go to her when a voice boomed in anger.

"You clumsy piece of shit! You broke another plate in three days! Can't you watch where you're going for once?"

The roaring person came near, staggering on his feet as if he was drunk before I realized that he was in fact actually drunk. His slightly greying brown hair was very similar to Alexis as was the shape of his eyes. They bore a striking resemblance to each other. But what set them apart was that Alexis looked like she wanted the earth to eat her up while he looked like he would tear open the earth to find her if she even thought about disappearing.

Wait a moment. Alexis Olsen. So Carl must be her father.

"I am so sorry-" Alexis started to mumble before Carl interrupted her.

"Sorry doesn't pay the bills! And your clumsy hands don't either, you useless little shit. Do something right for once!" He roared out.

Alexis just stood there shaking, flinching at every harsh word thrown at her. Silent tears were flowing out of her eyes while people just looked on. staff members were trying to calm down Carl but he just waved them off before raising his voice with every word till his voice became deafening.

What the hell.

I stood from my chair and went towards the shouting voice. I reached there just as Carl raised his hand as though to hit her.

"What's going on?" I couldn't think of another way to interrupt.

"That is none of concern. Move." He warned.

"Actually as a costumer who came here to have a nice relaxed dinner, it is of my concern when the people who are supposed to provide us with that atmosphere are the ones causing disruption." I growled back. I took a defensive stance before Alexis, effectively shielding her.

"Oh is that so? Fine then." He made a move towards Alexis to grab her arm but I quickly got in the way. He glared at me, looking even more pissed off.

"What the fuck's your problem?" He grabbed my arm forcefully instead, trying to assert his dominance. I resisted wincing in pain.

As if I was going to back off.

"Release me right now before I crush your pea-sized brain and make you choke on it." I looked defiantly into his eyes.

Before he could reply, the security arrived and dragged him away forcefully. I was tempted to throw in a kick or something, but I resisted. I turned to face Alexis only to find her gone. I looked around hoping to catch a glimpse of her but didn't see anything.

I sighed before deciding that I'll get a hold of her at school tomorrow. I walked back towards my seat and requesting Jake to just drop me home now.

"You sure?" He looked a bit snubbed for some reason. I shrugged; maybe he lost another game or something.


It was clear already that I would not be able to compete with his phone and I was not in the mood to pretend. I texted Kiara and Dawn to come at my home ASAP.

All the way home, he looked at me like I was from another planet.

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