Chapter Eight: My Heart Depletes Quicker Than A Punctured Balloon .

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"Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness." - Alejandro Jodorowsky.

Chapter Eight

Times Square was filled to the brim. I cringed as someone accidently stepped on my already aching foot for the nth time and an hour was still remaining. It was almost not worth seeing the ball drop on New Year's Eve.


Travis grabbed the back of my jacket and pulled me towards the inner side of our little circle where Kiara and Dawn were standing. I shot him a grateful smile. He just nodded and went back to talking to Dawn, who pushed her red hair behind her ear shyly. I rolled my eyes. They should just get together already.

The last time I tried to ask what was going on, they both just looked away and refused to talk or make eye contact with each other. Stubborn dumbos, the both of them.

And if they thought that I missed the new charm bracelet on Dawn's wrist that she was fiddling with constantly while Travis shot it satisfied looks, they were dead wrong.

I shook my head and chose to look around instead. Mason and Trent were chatting up couple of girls who I guessed were going to receive the honor of being their first kiss of the year. I personally had nothing against them but the whole school knew about their player ways. Mason more so than Trent. Both were extremely good looking like jocks generally were. Mason Hall was the second most popular guy of our school-the first being Jason of course- and the girls flocked to him like flies to sweet. And he relished in the attention. The guy looked like some sort of a Greek god with his dark brown hair and blue eyes and he clearly knew it too.

Trent Reyes, on the other hand, had a more serious, brooding kind of a look that could charm the socks off any girl. His intense chocolate eyes and dirty blond hair added infinitely to his appeal. He was the kind that waited for the girls to approach him rather than doing it himself.

I would have thought that he really was interested in the girl before him if I hadn't noticed him giving Kiara stealthy looks from the corner of his eyes. And as far as I knew Kiara (which was a lot more than what was considered healthy) she'd totally dig his mysterious persona.

It looked like love was in the air was everyone except me.

I sighed before continuing my little survey. Jake Miller, another footballer, was playing COC on his phone. His black locks were falling into his brown eyes and his eyes were narrowed in concentration. He looked oblivious to the chatter surrounding him. How he managed to do that was still a mystery to me.

The sound of argument captured my attention as I turned my eyes to look at the arguing brother-sister duo. It looked like Kiara still didn't want to wear a jacket as it would ruin her 'cool' look. She would get a frost bite if she continued.

I walked towards them, grabbed the jacket from Jason's hand and wordlessly and quite forcefully tugged it on her arms. She gave me a withering stare, donned the jacket and mouthed the word traitor to me before stomping away to where Travis and Dawn were standing.

"Thank you so fucking much, Midget. I was seriously about to give up." Jason muttered gratefully. I giggled.

"No, you wouldn't. Under that entire tough guy exterior is a guy who won't let his sister get sick." I said knowingly. For someone who grew up with them, it was as obvious as the blue sky. He just shook his head darkly and muttered something that suspiciously sounded like 'I'd rather would'.

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