Chapter One: Just Another Day.

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HEY GUYS!! Finally the first chapter is here. I hope you enjoy this story as much as I have as I was writing it. The story may seem slow for the first few chapters but it will pick up pace as it goes on. Don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know how you feel. Above given is a picture of Rose.

Hope you enjoy. :) 

"Not till we are lost do we begin to find ourselves." - Thoreau.

Chapter One


"On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you think it would be if--" Kiara started.

"At least a twenty." I jumped in before she could even finish her sentence.

Kiara pouted while Dawn shook in silent laughter.

"You didn't even listen. It could be a brilliant idea for all you know." Kiara pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"We don't need to hear it to judge it as one of your crazy ideas, Ki. Whatever it is that you've cooked up this time inside your head, we are so not doing it. Last time we agreed to it, we almost got arrested." I retorted. Dawn nodded in agreement.

"TPing someone's house won't land us in jail. Besides, he deserved it. He stood me up on a date." She scoffed.

"Um, sorry to burst your bubble, Kiara, but it can land us jail. It's damage to property." Dawn, the ever rational one, said. Sometimes I wondered how exactly rule-loving, obedient little Dawn ended up with a pair of misfits like Kiara and I. Probably for all the free entertainment we provided, I internally mused.

There was no doubt that Dawn Maple was a very pretty individual. She had flawless complexion and with her red hair, deep brown eyes and petite figure, she looked like a little porcelain doll. Plus, I really envied her height. She was brilliant in academics (an honors student) and was pretty much the sole reason I passed in algebra. (I had a mutual hate-hate relationship with it.) Kiara and I met her in middle school while saving her from some of the bullies. We have been inseparable ever since.

Kiara Henderson, on the other hand, was the proud owner of blonde hair and dreamy blue eyes that caused boys to stop in their tracks and gawk. (It has actually happened. Honest. On numerous occasions, I might add.) She's the walking definition of blonde bombshell. She was also a big rebel as well as a heartbreaker. Literally. Coming from a family that's so perfect, it wasn't that hard of a task.

We've been friends since the first day of kindergarten. We bonded while sharing a cup of ice-cream near the sandpit and decided to be best friends forever. Cute, right. Our friendship became closer and closer to the point where we could finish each other's sentences. She's my soul sister.

I, however, was the perfect copy of my mother according to my father. She passed away when I was 10 and I still missed her badly to this very day. I had her expressive green eyes and raven hair but more importantly I shared her love for dancing. At first it began as a way to stay connected to her though as time passed I discovered my own passion for it. I dreamed of being a choreographer just like her.

Kiara and I continued our argument all the way to our last class for the day, thank god, with Dawn quipping in between. As we entered the class, an airplane flew towards us. Kiara caught it in her hands and sent it flying back in.

Mrs. White was late as usual. I sighed and went to sit in my place. In this class, we were assigned seats rather than choosing one on our own. This, in my opinion, was totally unfair. We were sophomores, for god's sake. We survived the freshman year. We should be allowed to choose.

I noticed Alexis Olsen sitting in the corner of the classroom. The hood of her hoodie was pulled up. It looked like she was in her own little world. My curiosity piped but it pushed it back down. Alexis didn't like to talk too much, preferring to be alone. Why else would a girl like her be always alone?

I shrugged to myself and my attention was snatched away as Mrs. White entered the room almost 30 minutes late. Dammit, looked like Ki won the bet this time. I huffed, annoyed now. Just 5 more minutes and I would've won. I could see Kiara grinning from the corner of my eye.

The lecture started and I slipped into my own personal version of the La-La Land. I was so into it that I didn't even realize when the lecture ended.

Kiara shook me. "Welcome back to the land of mortals, Ro." I rolled my eyes. It seemed that no matter what the situation, her sass never got lost.

"Yeah, yeah. Now get moving. I want to go home."

She snorted but started moving towards the parking lot. Dawn, Kiara and I lived in the same neighborhood so we carpooled because Dawn felt that it would help save our environment. Kiara and I just went along with it because it was so fun.

We reached Dawn's car and sat inside. She was already there, playing soft classical music she oh so adored. Kiara scrunched up her face, classical music was her least favorite genre.

"Can we please listen to something that won't put me in a thousand year sleep?" She groaned out, completely over-dramatic.

"Nop, sorry. My car, my music." Dawn giggled.

"Just wait till it's my turn." Kiara smirked darkly. I instantly knew that tomorrow we were going to be listening to pop rock till our eardrums started bleeding.

Dawn dropped me off first and drove away at a speed that would put an old lady to shame. I just laughed in relief that I won't have to play peacemaker as I could almost hear the exact words Kiara must be saying in her head right about now. It still stumped me that three people as different as us stayed together for this long. I would have thought we would pull each other's hair out at this point. Hmm, probably not Dawn though.

I entered the house using the spare key. Silence greeted me as usual. I went to my room, took a shower and started cooking dinner. I scrolled up on my Instagram as the pasta was boiling.

I kept scrolling and scrolling, utterly bored, until I reached a post that caught my undivided attention. That post belonged to none other than Jason Henderson, the older brother of my best friend, the star quarterback of our football team despite being in junior year and...and the guy I've been in love with since I was in kindergarten.

Jason Henderson was the guy who made the big bad bullies go away from the sand pit on the first day of kindergarten. Not considering the fact that Kiara was with me and he probably did it for her. But to me, he came as a knight in shining armor and I felt I was destined to be his princess.

Cute how naïve we can be, right?

And so began my little puppy love. For years I worshipped the ground he walked on. Followed him on any social media I could find him on. Attended every game, cheered- screamed, actually - till my voice got hoarse. But in all this time, I never got enough courage to just talk to him like any sane human being would. You would think it'd be easy when he lived with my best friend right. Wrong. It was so difficult. Especially when this was the only thing I never told Kiara (Nor did I intend to). We were not even friends, to be honest.

It wasn't by choice really. I just became tongue tied in his presence. The whole freaking zoo came to visit my stomach when he was around. And it hurt like hell whenever I saw him being all lovey-dovey with his girlfriend. Abigail Davis aka the expected prom queen was the cheerleader on whom half of the school crushed on. What was worse was the fact that she was not even evil. I sighed. It would have made hating her so much easier. But no, she just had to be the most perfect girl in existence. The girl volunteered at animal shelters on weekends for god's sake.

My heart broke a little each time whenever Kiara mentioned how perfect they were for each other.

Oh, the joys of unrequited love.

I put my phone down. Finished cooking the pasta, kept some in the oven for Dad to heat up whenever he came home from the restaurant today, ate some and went to sleep.

Another day, officially done and over with.


So here it is! Lemme know what you think! Xx

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