Volume 3: Round One

Start from the beginning

With that said, Ruby jogs back to her family as a group of crows fly into the sun to make a very familiar sight.

Taiyang: So, when were you gonna tell me you had a boyfriend?

Ruby's eyes widened at the mention as her face turned crimson red as her cloak, turning away from her father's questioning look. Of all the things he could ask, this was actually the one thing Ruby had hoped she didn't want to have to talk about, especially with her dad.

Ruby: I was gonna tell you! Eventually.....

Taiyang just simply sighed out loudly at her daughter's action of her embarrassingly tapping her forefingers together before continuing,

Taiyang: Based on what I heard, sounded like he's really important to you, huh?

Ruby: Yeah...

Without even knowing it, she began daydreaming before she finally snapped back to reality, her face redder than ever. She tried to hide her blushing from her dad by using the hood of her cloak, much to her father's amusement as he chuckled.

Taiyang: Well, I'm glad my baby girl is growing up a least a bit. So, are they joining up for the tournament?

Ruby: Uh-huh.

Taiyang: I didn't get his name, by the way.

Ruby: His name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath

Taiyang nearly coughed in shock when he heard your last name. A last name that he was all too familiar with. Ruby gazed at his father in confusion as he placed a his thumb and forefinger in his chin in deep thought.

Taiyang: (Inner Thoughts) So, she's dating Isoldé's son?

Ruby: Uh, dad? Are you okay?

Taiyang: Huh? Oh, yes. Everything's fine. Shall we go?



I am now at one of Beacon's landing platform, waiting for someone. Needless to say, it is a special someone that I know in the family and I've been waiting since this morning and it's already three in the afternoon, and the tournament is about to start.

Me: I sure hope she's right. She said she would be here in the afternoon as I have been waiting here for hours!

Just before I could worry over a special someone, I saw a glint high above in the distance before I heard the sound of whirring engine. The figure got closer and closer, and bigger and bigger as well. Before I know it, a dropship swooped in as a familiar hawk-like figure jumped out of the aircraft, transforming into human form as she lands in front of me with a crouch, much to my surprise. Her icy-hair flowing with the wind as the craft finally felt the landing platform. It was no mistake that this girl is the one I was waiting for. She finally stood up from her crouch position and raised her head with a wide smile.

???: Hey, Shadow-kun!

Me: Aether-san!!

We both hugged each other, or should I say, she tackle me down to the ground in excitement and we hugged it out. When they were done, we hoisted ourselves back up on our feet, and Aether patted me in the side of my shoulder.

Me: Good to see you again, my sister, Aether Wrath. Welcome back.

Aether: Thank you. And it is good to see you again, my brother, Shadow Wrath.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now