"Kev, calm down," I told him. "You just have to come to the hospital. I'm the one pushing the baby out, remember?" I asked. 

"Yes, yes," he said, "of course, I'm on my way," he said hanging up the phone. I felt my second contraction coming, I took deep breaths, it passed after a few seconds. I checked the time, they're like seven minutes apart. I parked my car and rushed my way to the ER. I didn't know if they could see my soaked pants, but workers hurried and got me taking me into a room and making sure everything was okay. 


"I hate you!" I yelled to Kevin as I continued to push.

"You don't mean that," he said holding onto my hand.

"Oh, I do!" I yelled. This hurt like hell, I wonder how anyone gets through this. I am literally trying to get a human being outside of me. I didn't know why I denied the epidural, Kevin told me to accept it, but my stupid self wanted to experience childbirth naturally. Did my mom go through this? Oh God, I am never disrespecting her again. "Aww," I said.

"Just one more big push," the doctor said. I gathered every last strength I had and gave my best push. Just then I felt relief, I just felt something push out of me. I sighed and put my head back. Her small cries fill up the room, the doctors quickly go watch the blood and fluid from her body. After a minute or two they bring her to me wrapped around blankets, "beautiful and healthy," the doctor said handing her over. 

I held her, just then I felt like all this pain was worth it. I held onto her closely, I couldn't believe I just pushed out a human being, I just carried a human being for nine months. All I wanted to do right now is love her, hug her forever and protect her from this cruel world. "She has your eyes," I told Kevin. Kevin smiled and passed his hands over her small body. I smiled at our baby, that was all I ever wanted and I now had everything. 

After years of us trying to have a baby, the complications, the heartbreaks, the sad nights, she was here. She was here healthy, I felt truly blessed. "I love you," I told Kevin contradicting what I told him earlier.

"I know," he said. "I love you too," he kissed my forehead gently. 

After pushing out the placenta and getting cleaned up from everything Kevin went to get Lucy who said she was waiting outside impatiently. I held onto her still not believing what just happened. The door opened and Kevin walked in, "come on guys," he said. 

I looked up, Lucy walked in with Rose, her six-year-old daughter. I thought this was it, but Alexis then walked in looking larger than the last time I saw her. She was due in a month also for her husband, we were going to give birth together in the same room holding hands, but I guess my baby wanted to come early. My mom then walked in, I smiled. Kevin's father walked in also after everyone. "Guys," I said one second away from crying, I was getting emotional. "You didn't have to come," I said. 

"We didn't come for you," my mom said. I gasped, "you're going to introduce us?" She asked.

"Guys," I said, "this is Esmeralda Alexis Reynolds," I said. Alexis gasped, she got closer and took her from me. Everyone formed a circle touching her, saying hi and whatnot. 

"She has Kevin's eyes," Lucy commented. I nodded my head, Kevin came and sat beside me holding my hands unto his. 

"We're a family," he whispered to my side. I nodded my head, he kissed me and we both relaxed our heads looking at the room filled with people we love surrounding our daughter. "Everything we've ever dreamed of is accomplished," he said. I put my head on his chest relaxing. He has made me nothing but happy these past few years, people usually say you get tired of your spouse after being married for so long, but I could never get tired of him even after being married for five years.

He was there with me, we were there for each other through everything. We got it through it together and alive. My used to be ex and person I hated was now my husband and the person I love. "Let's take a picture," my mom bringing the baby back to me. I took her, everyone assembled behind me, we smiled. "Say cheese," my mom said. 

"Cheese," we all said in unison. The picture was taken and everything got back to talking about the bright future we all surely had in front of us.

"He's coming!" Alexis yelled.


Thank you to everyone who read this book. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I hope I didn't waste any of your time...

Love is a funny thing, our hearts choose to love despite the heartbreaks. 

Last question: Could you ever picture yourself being with someone who has cheated on you and hurt you in the past?

Au Revoir...

PS: Please check out my other books.
'The Butler and I'
'Brother's Girl'
'His Savior'

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