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 "No you won't, for these two years you're mine and mine only," he said. He walked away and opened the door. Giving me one last glance, he walked slamming the door on his way out.  

I stared at the door he just slammed hoping he would walk back in to apologize. You're mine and mine only the words lingered in my mind. I'm not an object, I'm no ones belonging. A tear threatened to fall down my cheeks, I sucked it in. My mother didn't raise no bitch, so no I wouldn't start crying because of something a guy told me. 

I got up from my seat and looked out the glass window that opened in the club. I spotted Lucy still dancing with that guy that had grabbed her earlier, I sighed. I walked back down the stairs and smiled at Joey who already knew what I wanted.

He poured me a drink and I gulped it down, after I placed the glass down and thanked him. "I'll see you next time, Joe," I told him. I then exited the club and decided to take a cab home. I would text Lucy later telling her I went home because I wasn't feeling so well. I called a cab and gave him the address to which I needed to go.

I arrived soon enough at the house I now lived in, I entered not knowing if Kevin had come home or if he was still at the club. I went to my room taking off all my clothes and dropping myself on the bed. Soon enough sleep came to me.


The sound of the door opening and laughter woke me up, I took my cellphone to see the time and it was only one a.m. Kevin might have just come home, I heard more laughter, but they sounded more of a girl. My stomach growled and I decided to go down to get some food. 

As I arrived down the stairs, I saw the person the laughter was coming from. She stood by the door, standing would be an exaggeration. Her feet standing on the three-inch heels were wobbly. She looked up at me and chuckled, even more, she was about to fall but held onto the wall. Her blonde hair was messy looking like she hasn't brushed it in months.  She was dressed in a short black dress, something I wouldn't even wear in my own home. She looked like a whore in that dress, "hi, you must be the help," she said passing her hands in the air. And you must be the drunk whore, I said in my mind.

I rolled my eyes at her ignoring her comment, Kevin then came into view. "Hey baby, you wouldn't-" he paused when he noticed me standing there. Baby? I asked myself. Was he serious? I rolled my eyes once more at them both and went back to my mission- get some food to eat. 

The fridge was filled with nothing, but energy drinks, beer, and food that looked like dog shit. I groaned, I opened the cabinets and saw some snacks such as chips, popcorn, and some crackers and cookies. I took a bag of Doritos and walked back into my room. Walking back I could hear the girl talking and laughing on the other side of the house. I slammed my door and threw myself on my bed enjoying my chips.


My phone rung making me groan, I closed my eyes when the sun hit me. I grabbed the phone from my nightstand and answered it without checking the caller ID. "What happened last night?" Lucy asked over the phone. "One minute you were dancing and the next you were gone," she added.

"Nothing, I just got tired and I didn't want to ruin your night," I lied to her. 

She sighed over the phone, "Okay, um... what happened? You were looking forward to a night of drinking and having fun," she said.

"Yeah, and I did have fun for the thirty minutes I spent there," that wasn't a complete lie. I did have fun for the time I spent there. I was drinking and dancing, everything was fine until the monster showed up. He deemed me his property and he brought that hoe into the house last night or should I say this morning?

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