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"And you know what the bastard did after?" I asked Lucy referring to Kevin. She raised her eyebrow waiting for me to tell her what he did. "He kissed me," I answered to my own question. "He fucking kissed me," I said again. I put my hand on my head thinking about how crazy my life was at this moment. 

"He what?" Lucy asked surprised, I nodded my head confirming what I just said. "So, he wants to get back together?" She asked me. I nodded my head again, she took another piece of the laundry folding it and putting it in the basket next to her. I took a piece of clothing also trying to help out considering I came to her house while she was trying to do her wifely duties. "Do you want to get back together with him?" She asked me seeming a little curious.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I honestly don't know. I just don't want to go through what I did again, but who knows maybe he's changed. It has been about twelve years since high school," I said taking a bite of my nail something I did when I was really nervous or something was bothering me. 

"Maybe," she replied. I rolled my eyes, Lucy never liked Kevin to begin with. In high school, she said Kevin didn't deserve me because I was too good for him or something. I didn't know why she hated him so much, Kevin was not flawless, but he was close to being a perfect boyfriend. 

"I know what to do," I said coming up with a plan in my head. "Why don't you come to dinner with us tonight?" I asked her. She shook her head no, "please, I begged her putting up my hand as if praying to God himself. "You're so good at reading people, maybe you could tell me what vibe he gives off or something," I told her. If I had listened to her in high school that Kevin was bad news, everything would have never happened. 

"Brianna, I don't think that's a good idea," she said. "You know what I'm going to say," she said. 

"Please," I said again. 

She looked at my hopeless face, she sighed and rolled her eyes. "You better be happy I love you," she said. "As long as you're not cooking, I'll do the dinner and please don't leave me alone with him," she said. I nodded my head telling her I accepted. 

I gave her a big hug, "thank you so much!" I yelled. The front door opened showing Lucy's husband, Jamal. He smiled at me, "hi J," I greeted him. Lucy got up from where she was sitting and gave him a hug. He kissed her which lasted longer than I would have wished for. I chuckled and grabbed my phone texting Kevin.

Me: Dinner tonight?

I set my phone down again and waited for him to reply. After a minute or so, my phone vibrates.

Kev: I'd love to...

Me: K, Lucy's going to be there.

Kev: Why can't it just be you and I?

Me: If you want us to be serious, you have to get along with the people in my life which include Lucy.

Kev: Yeah, whatever... I'll be home by five.

I laughed, I see Kevin still hated her also. 


"Kev, Lucy's allergic to shrimp," I told him walking into the kitchen. He was cooking because lord knows I can't cook to save my life. He was making lobster and shrimp which I love, but Lucy's allergic to that stuff and she hates seafood in general. 

"I know," he said with a smirk planted on his face. "She'll just have to eat the salad," he said pointing to the counter. I looked and saw that he made salad also.

"Lucy doesn't like salad," I told him. Lucy says that she is not a goat, so why should she eat all of those leaves. Kevin simply shrugged his shoulders. "You're so evil," I said. He laughed and gave me a fake frown putting his hand over his heart as if it hurt him. "But, Kev," I called him. He looked at me, "can you please try to be nice today?" I asked him.

"Yeah," he answered. "I don't hate her Bri, I just can't stand her, but I guess I can deal with it for a night if it'll make you happy," he said. I smiled and gave him a hug. 

"That's the spirit," I said. He shook his head and went back to his cooking. The doorbell rings which means Lucy has arrived. I walked to the door opening it for her, I smiled when I saw her even though we were just together a few hours ago. She gave me a bottle wine, "thank you," I said. 

"Just because I can't drink doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy something," she said. 

I laughed, "so, Kev accidentally cooked seafood forgetting that you are allergic and not a fan," I said. "Salad?" I asked her, "or I can just order you a pizza," I said. 

"He forgot," she sneered shaking her head. "I bet he also forgot that I hate salad," she added. 

"Yes he did, high school was decades ago," I lied to her. 

"I'm trying for you Brianna, but my opinion is never going to change about him. He's still the sick, manipulative, ugly-"

"Lucy," Kevin said behind us cutting her off from continuing. "How are you?" He asked her. 

Lucy shook her head gently licking her lips, she opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Kevin walked up to us standing beside me. Lucy stared at him then at me, "I'm good Kevin, how are you?" She asked back her voice full of sarcasm. 

"Good, hear you're having a baby; congratulations," Kevin said this time. I looked at Kevin and smiled, he sounded like he was really trying to get along with her and that's honestly all that mattered. I wanted him to try and he was. 

"Thank you," she replied. 

Kevin grabbed the wine from my hand, "see you still have wonderful taste," he said while reading the wine bottle. "Dinner's ready," he said leaving for the kitchen.

"He's trying," I told Lucy.

"Yeah," she replied. 


"You got to admit that Mr. Murphy from Chemistry was the hottest teacher," I said to Lucy. At this point, I think I was so drunk. I was talking about my hot teachers from high school.

"Exactly," she replied. "That's not even a discussion," she said taking a bite of her pizza slice. 

"All I'm saying is Mr. Davidson was hotter. The guy was the definition of hot," Kevin said. He thought our English teacher was hotter than our Chemistry teacher, he was definitely biased considering Mr. Davidson used to give him a passing grade just for writing his name on a paper.

"Murphy has the hair," I told Kevin. "That dark hair," I said. "Anyway," I said taking a sip of my wine again. I was unquestionably drunk, "I got to use to bathroom," I said. I got up from the table and walked to the guest bathroom downstairs. I peed and washed my face looking in the mirror. Dinner was going better than expected, at least Kevin and Lucy looked like they were getting along.

I started walking back to the dining room, I could hear Kevin and Lucy talking to each other. I stood at the doorframe admiring what I was seeing and hearing. "Kevin, it's been twelve years, she deserves to know the truth," I heard Lucy said. Who was she talking about?

"I know," Kevin replied. "I'll tell her on my own terms," he added. 

"That's what you said junior year and here we are," Lucy said getting frustrated. "You have two weeks, if you don't, I will."

"Two months," Kevin replied. "Just give me two months, that's all I ask for."

"Okay, she better know by Christmas," I heard Lucy say. "Why are you so afraid to tell her the truth anyway?"

"I'm scared she's going to hate me, I just got her back and I can't stand the thought of her having nothing to do with me."

"She can forgive you for something that happened over a decade ago."

"But she will never forgive me for who I am."


More into Kevin's secrets...

Did Lucy sleep with Kevin?

Au Revoir...

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