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"Hello fellow human beings and welcome back to my channel. I'm going to be talking about why I stopped making videos and covers. Two years ago, I experienced something that has traumatized me since and I haven't told a soul what happened. No one knows and I will tell my story in the future when I am ready to. Recently, I was on tour with Why Don't We. Jack, Jonah, Corbyn, Zach and Daniel are all my best friends and I am grateful for them. Jake Paul, Chance Sutton, Anthony Trujillo found me and took me into the Team 10 house. I instantly became besties with Erika and Tessa. You are probably wondering why I'm never in any of their vlogs, I just didn't want to show myself. I got vocal surgery about two weeks ago which is why I can talk now. I am extremely grateful and thankful I have so many supportive people on my side. I love everyone that has helped me. This is the beginning to a new start. Thanks for watching and new covers shall be coming in the next month or two." I finished recording the video. I transferred the video onto the laptop Jake also bought me when I first started staying here. I changed my username to Sapphire Bush and uploaded the video and named it The Beginning Part To Why I Went M.I.A.😞❤ After the video uploaded I tweeted out.

@SapphireBush: New YouTube video since almost three years! The beginning explaination to why I went M.I.A. I'm so sorry!

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