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"How about we introduce ourselves first?" The first guy told the other two. They agreed and turned back to me. It was dark out so I couldn't really tell what they looked like. "My name is Jake Paul." The first guy told me. "I am Chance Sutton." The second guy told me. "I am Anthony Trujillo." The last guy told me. "Can you now tell us who you are?" Jake asked me. I shook my head no and yet again wiped away the tears that kept rolling down my face. Chance got out his phone and turned on his flashlight and shined it at me. I buried my head into my lap so they can't see what I look like. "Why aren't you talking to us?" Anthony asked me. I look up and around for my notepad, but I couldn't find it. The blonde seemed to notice because he handed me his phone with a notepad app opened. I started to type away. I typed: My name is Sapphire. I handed him back his phone. "So, Sapphire are you willing to tell us why you are out here?" Jake asked me.

In My Recovery (Daniel Seavey)Where stories live. Discover now