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Today is the day that the boys will be singing in Washington DC. They had their meet and greet and received many gifts from their fans. We all looked through the gifts and I found a letter from a fan who us named Ashley and is 16 years old. I started to read the letter. 'Dear Why Don't We boys, hello my name is Ashley Knott and I am 16 years old. I wanna tell you that you all have saved my life. Last year I lost my dad and brother in a car accident. I was in very deep depression and I wanted to die. I soon came across you guys and fell in love with you and your music. It gave me a reason to live and I am extremely grateful for you guys! Thanks for being my heroes! Love, Ashley' I didn't realize I was crying until Daniel knocked me out of my thoughts and asked why I was crying. I just simply handed him the letter. I was in that same boat two years ago.

(A/N: First clue into Sapphire's past)

In My Recovery (Daniel Seavey)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें