Chapter 45 - I want you to stay

Start from the beginning

Avery shakily got to her feet then nodded in resolution. "I think I'll go lie down, rest for a bit."

They watched her silently as she walked out of the sitting room. She shut the door behind her and pressed her back against it, looking around her bedroom in the fading daylight. Her mind raced as she built her plan, committing the details to her well-trained memory. She didn't need to rest, she needed to take action.


A commotion sounded in the living space of the apartment suite. Angry words were exchanged and doors slammed open and shut. Avery cracked open her own door and peeked outside. Roedin stormed into his bedroom with Arctos on his heels while a dozen armed guards crammed in the front hall. Adelyn shared terse words with Khalil.

"Adelyn, I'm not discussing this anymore. You and I know both know why he can't be in the trial, and I don't want him in the dungeons so close to Ferrik. I will not put my city at risk of war with Rastus because Roedin couldn't control his hormones."

Adelyn raised her palms in surrender. "Alright, alright. Arctos and Niamh will keep him here while we finish up tonight. We'll all leave soon is the verdict is delivered tomorrow."

Khalil waved his hand through the air in dismissal. "Just tell him to take a flight and sort himself out. I'll meet you in the ballroom."

He marched out of the suite leaving half a dozen guards stationed in the hall outside.

Roedin stomped out of his bedroom wearing his fighting leathers. "Is she alright?"

Sari came over. "Yes, she's fine. She was concerned about you being locked up."

Roedin shook his head in frustration.

"Of course. Never thinking of herself." Then he turned on Sari. "But you! How you could you let her get that close? You said you would protect her!"

Sari looked him admonishingly. "Roedin, she's an independent woman. I can't stop her when she puts her mind to something."

"I could have broken her neck!"

"No, you couldn't have," Arctos interjected. "The blow was an accident, and you stopped as soon as it happened. You could never have hurt her seriously."

Roedin brushed him off, heading for the balcony and dark night beyond. "It was too close."

A knock sounded on the outer door reminding them it was time to go back to the trial. Hayden growled and asked Sari to wake Avery from her nap, while Arctos continued to try to reason with Roedin on the balcony. Avery ripped open the door and brushed past the primes, racing out to the balcony where Arctos and Roedin were arguing.

Roedin spun to face her, taking a cautionary step back. Arctos tensed, his eyes darting between the human and his brother. Avery ignored him completely and stepped closer to Roedin, chewing on her lower lip.

"If you're going flying, you'll need to keep your energy up." Avery held out a small packet. "I made some energy bars. They're full of nuts and fruit and some sugars for quick power. Here, take it."

Arctos looked away awkwardly, contemplating jumping over the balcony railing.

Roedin shook his head and backed up another step. "I can't take that from you."

"Yes, you can. I made it just for you. I didn't make one for Arctos. Just for you," Avery repeated, thrusting the packet in front of him again.

"No! No, I can't. You don't know what it means to give me this! It's too much. I don't have enough control!"

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