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Hanzo stood there patiently, awaiting to finally be acknowledged to help his father with serious business.
His father had ordered him into his office, speaking of a very important issue.
"Hanzo-" his father paused and frowned when he saw his son's face, he was so eager to help with the family business but this task wouldn't be what he wanted. "One of myold friends called today, his family got threatened and he asked me for help. I agreed on welcoming his daughter as our guest and you will be her supervisor." Hanzo's eyes narrowed, his father just gave him a babysitter job. Able to see the disapproval in his son's eyes Sojiro sighed and began to speak again but was cut off by Hanzo."Why don't you give this Job to Genji. I could go and help your friend with his enemies at hand, you know I can handle a job like that and-" his father stopped him speaking by holding up his hand. "I knew you would say that, but fact is that Genji is not suited for a task like this. You know yourself that he is not the most reliable person, but I know I can rely on you my son. This problem that my friend has is not just solved by putting an arrow into the men who threatened them." He lowered his hand again and waited for Hanzo's reaction. "As you wish father, I will do as you say." Defeat clear in his voice Hanzo knew he couldn't say anything against his father's plans. Even if he didn't like the choices he made they were always the right ones.
"Good. Her name is Y/N she will be arriving this evening. I send a car to pick her up from the airport I want you to accompany them. Oh and keep her safe, we don't want her to get hurt or killed."
Hanzo internally rolled his eyes, of course his father organized everything ahead without even considering him rejecting the babysitter job."Understood." He stated and turned around for the door."She's from America." His father said to him when he stepped through the door.

"What's the matter?" A voice asked when Hanzo walked back to the dojo, he turned around to find his younger brother Genji leaning against a stone wall. He was obviously curious about his brothers visit at their fathers office. "I- We have ajob to do." Genji pushed himself from the stonewall, "Ajob? Father doesn't give me jobs." "We all know why he doesn't, but this time it's something for us both." The younger was not amused by the hinted insult but gestured his brother to continue. "We will be looking after a business partner's daughter. Her life is in danger and she will be our guest. Farther told me she would arrive today's evening."

Genji took the bait as expected, Hanzo thought. He just made the babysitting job look like an exciting meetup with a foreign girl. His younger brother was easily manipulated if one made it seem interesting enough. Hanzo sighed when looking at the clock,it was time for him to get into the car and pick up his guest. He was only a bit surprised when he took a seat next to Genji. "I didn't think you would come to the airport." Hanzo exclaimed with an arched brow. "I have nothing better to do right now." Genji shrugged it off. The chauffeur announced that it would take them about 20 minutes to the airport due to traffic. "Great."Hanzo growled. The brothers stayed silent for the rest of the drive. Only when they got to the airport Genji asked "How does she look, how do we know which girl she is?" Hanzo just shrugged "I have a sign with her name on it."
One of the bodyguards got out of the car, the said sign in his hands. "You mean he got it for you?" Genji said mockingly.
Without saying anything Hanzo snatched the sign from the bodyguard and slapped it into Genji's hand, the menacing eyes told the younger to not get cocky again. Genji just laughed it off and read the sign "Y/N? Sounds like a beautiful lady doesn't it?" Hanzo didn't answer, just walked to the entrance of the airport followed by four bodyguards.

When the brothers finally found the place where they were supposed to pick you up they looked around for you, despite the fact they didn't even know how you would look like.

They looked quite funny, you thought as you stood a few meters behind the strange group of men watching them trying to find you while holding up a sign with your name on it.
It wasn't hard to spot that these were the Shimada brothers your father had told you so much about. What good children they were and how mature and obedient, not like you. You were a bit of a troublemaker and you were proud of that.
It was also quite obvious that these men weren't just picking up their grandmother, you were able to see the weapons under the jackets of the huge bodyguards. Since you came here to be protected this was what you expected.
Slowly you walked towards them and the one with long black hair turned around as if hearing your steps, his eyes were narrowed and he seemed to be in a really bad mood.
You cringed a bit at the sight of the angry japanese man.
The others of the group also turned around, also the one with the sign.
He had green dyed hair and didn't really look like an obedient son. You looked at the sign and pointed at you with a smile.

"Welcome to Japan Y/N!" The green haired one said. "My name is Shima- Genji Shimada." Hanzo rolled his eyes to the typical mistake his brother did in english.
You giggled at the strong accent, but it fit him very well. "You must be Hanzo then." You said and held your hand into his direction to shake it. Hesitantly Hanzo approached you and shook your hand with a nod.
"Oh this will be great huh." You said to yourself while maintaining your fake smile.

Hanzo led the way for you and the others, back to the car.
A black limousine with darkened windows. "Cliché much." You smirked.
You got into the car and sat between the two brothers. You were not quite sure if that was intentional, but by looking at Genji's amused face it must've been a little joke.
Hanzo didn't look as amused though, he didn't want to sit close to you.

You sighed loudly for everyone to hear, especially Hanzo who was visibly not happy with you being here. He would regret being this cold to you from the beginning. With a smile you faced Genji and started talking about your trip here. You exchanged flight experiences and Genji told you about all the cool malls you could visit here.
Keeping an eye on Hanzo you knew exactly that the two weren't the sons your father had told you about, they were definitely not the perfect children you heard of, somehow that made you rather happy.

This trip will be a lot of fun.

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