V-"Excuse me.May I."

He couldnt keep.Himself patient.Approaching her.She held glass of juice.Raising her brows at stranger.


She had sober look on face.

V-"Wanted to asked you.Something.

Are you.new to this.Place?"

She sipped her juice.The old woman eyes him.Suspiciously from little distance.He felt weird.He was surprised with calmness.Girl talked.She continued having sips.Finishing juice and giving.Empty glass to woman.

"Iam not new.

Anything else?"

She tried to get up.Woman taking book from her.She had difficulty.Balancing herself.With her baby bump.Vicky kept on eyeing her.His eyes can never.Deceive him.His memory too.He stood there. Hammering his brain.

She was slowly.Getting out of sight.When he widened his eyes.Biting his lips.


Stop.We did met.I know."

Sirisha Soundarya Sharma her full name.She disliked when people.Back days called her S cube.When she developed habit of.Addressing herself as only Sirisha.Siri by close friends.Sirisha was open minded girl.Modern from thoughts but traditional too.At places she believed she.She should be.At very young age.She lost her mother.Father being only hope.Who got so busy with work.

She was left in hands of.Her strict disciplined Grandmother.Under whom Sirisha felt.Suffocated.Her grandmother had old beliefs.Strict rules.Mind thought.She couldnt register.Result was when Sirisha grew up.As young girl.She couldnt gel with her thoughts.

Sirisha lives with her father now.Her grandmother in her other son's house.They had big joint family.Sirisha was reason months ago.Why his father had to.Cut ties almost.With his family.HEr grandmother believes so.

She reached home.Vasu Amma helping her.Keeping bag in its place.She took Sirisha to her room.Harish Sharma was waiting in breakfast table.For his daughter.No one could understand.how father feels.Seeing his daughter like.This and what upsets him.He failed as father too.When his daughter needed him.Couldnt give her time.

Sirisha joined her father on table.With smile on face.She picked an apple.When Vasu Amma stopped her.

"Sirisha baby you should.Have healthy things.In this time.Here your breakfast is ready.Have fruits afterwards."

She smiled at motherly figure.Her only hope.Derived from affection of parents.Vasu Amma was like her shadow.Ordered by her father.To be with her.whole time.

H-"I have to leave for.Important meeting tomorrow.Sirisha will you be.Able to manage.Asking Dayaal to stay with his family.Here in case.There is emergency."

Dayaal was their old.Trusted driver.Sirisha continued having breakfast.His father didnt see reaction on her.

H-"Sirisha Iam asking you.

If you want.I can.Stay."

She raised her eyes.Giving him relaxed look.

S-"Its okay Dad.I will be fine.

Its not first time.You go attend meeting."

Harish looked.Disturbed.He frowned being on two minds.

H-"Its not same like before.You understand that.

If I knew why this happened.Half of problems would.Have solved.Still time.Sirisha tell me how."

Sirisha threw napkin.Done with food.She was about to stand.When Harish also got up.With fierce look on face.

H-"How long are you.Going to avoid my questions.

This is not way to deal.With life.Why dont you understand."

She made a face

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She made a face.Knowing what was coming next.Long lecture from her father.The baby inside her.Made her feel fatigue.she held her bump.Protectively.Starting to walk.Vasu Amma ran to help her.Expecting brawl of words.between father and daughter.

H-"Sirisha stop.

Tell me.I promise will bring him.From any part of world."

She stopped to turn around.face him.With a stern look.

S-"Why would you do that.What reason."

H-"Dont be so childish.

Of course.This responsibility should be borne by.Him too.This deed was done by you.Both.

Then why should you.Face consequences alone."

Harish stopped.Flaring his nostrils.What wrong was he saying.Any father would react like that.Expect his daughter.To come back from her vacation.Declare one day.She was pregnant.Father of child.She didnt knew.

Sirisha controlled.Herself.Wet her dry lips.Then spoke.

S-"I dont know him.Dont want to know him.

Whom you are calling deed.Its.My baby.Growing inside me.understand your.Worried for you daughter its.natural but.Iam happy.Stop troubling me.Every time with this.Same KBC question."

She rolled her eyes.Went back to her room.Harish fell on the chair.Keeping a hand on his head.What did he do.To face this time.How many times.he tried to get out.Information of boy from her.She was clueless.What would be outcome.It all happened.When Sirisha went to her aunt's place.In Australia to spend her vacation.With her cousins.


Writing is like playing.Mind games for writer.It  is there on my brain and mind.Everytime to experiment.Something new.So I'm helpless sorry.I cna't help from writing this.

So are you hooked on to.Vicky and Sirisha's weird journey.They are to discover more.On their way.

Waiting for reviews.Honest ones please.


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