True happiness

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Shane was so happy finally getting what so always wanted not just a family but seeing her children's happiness made her come overwhelmed with tears. Her grandchildren running around and couldn't help the tears that kept flowing down her face.

Kaname and Zero ran up to Shane embraced her in a hug wiping her tears dry . Zero and Kaname kissed Shane lightly on her cheeks then spoke:

" Shane why are you crying this is happy occasion"

" Kaname, Zero, these are tears of happiness because I finally have the happiness not only for us but for our children ."

"Thats right Shane this is our life and our family . We are not alone and this is the light that you always shown us . Your warmth and your heart is what made all this happen "

"I love you both so much and I can't stop thinking at first I shouldn't have intervened but I realize this all was meant to be  ."

"Yes, that's right you saved us and now we will spend the rest of our lives together with our big family all thank to you"

Shane couldn't hold in her overwhelming feelings so she kissed both on the lips and smiled as both kissed her back. They all lived out their lives as parents, grandparents and lovers to the end of eternity.

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