Samantha and Takuma

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Samantha always visited the library before and after classes because she loved to read all kinds of manga. She was walking around the library and decided to help the librarian return books to the shelves. Samantha leaned up against a near by window realizing it got dark and hopped off the ladder she was on. When she hopped off she tripped and fell closing her eyes waiting for an impact with the hair wood polished floor. The impacted never happened making her curious so she opened her eyes and let out a girly gasp fall back on her butt. Takuma came to library at night to read and he secretly enjoyed manga and when he saw the  white short haired girl from the night before fall something made his body move on its own. He felt her warmth in his arms and when she opened her eyes her gasp was so cute . He bent down to her when she fell back on her butt and extended a hand out to her which she took getting up rubbing her poor behind.
"Are you okay Samantha, that looked like a bad fall"

" No I'm okay thanks for catching me and I guess my shoe got stuck on the ladder. Normally I'm not this clumsy anyway what are you doing here Takuma."

" your welcome and I come here to read manga. It seems strange that we are the only one here besides the librarian at this time of night ".

"I'm use to irregular hours  besides this library has the best manga collection not counting my own of course"

"Wait , hold on you like manga too, what's your favorite series?"

" I favor the black butler series or brothers conflict what about you ?"

" I pretty read almost anything but I do have to black butler is definitely the best"

The spent most of the night until Samantha shift for guard work talking there favorite characters. Samantha favorite character was Sebastian while Takuma liked Ciel. Just before they went there separate ways for the night Samantha planted a light kiss on his lips and ran away blushing . Takuma thought that was unexpected but enjoyed the soft touch of her lips on his making him brush his fingers across his lips.
They both thought:

(I hope that means ( he/she) likes me)

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