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Zane, Sarah and Samantha were all geared up ready to hunt down a few rogues that were hiding in the city. Zane was scouting the area while his sisters cautiously walked around creating perimeter. Sarah was making a perimeter on the left while Samantha did right and they each spread out until they each met on an abandoned building. Suddenly a group of six vampires with glowing red  eyes came charging at them . Zane took the left vampire leading them to the river , Sarah took the middle  vampires leading them into abandon road and Samantha took the last two on the right leading them to an abandon graveyard.

Zane was hidden on the upper branch of a near by birch tree and he slowly snuck up on the second vampire who was trying to find him. The first vampire was waiting for the second to come back and was getting impatient. The second was almost at the rivers edge and then he was grabbed from behind. Zane silent stabbed him and then waited until the first came by. He had to wrestle The first vampire to the ground then stabbed him.

Sam was awaiting them and when they got closer she aimed her twin guns. At first she missed but that was on purpose and then she ran after each one corner then against an old building shed. The only second one was a little faster but she caught with him and shot him point blank.

Sarah had her long twin daggers which she had to fight and get close enough to stab then vampires. She had to run around the graveyard and a few times had to duck because they tried to retaliate by throwing head stone marks . When she pinned one on to an grave stabbed it, the other tried to run but was pinned to a tree with the other dagger in the shoulder. She got up from the one she stabbed on the ground playful dragged the dagger until he was quickly stabbed into his heart.

They each walked back covered in dirt and slugs of blood on their pants. They all returned back to the academy and Sarah was complaining the whole way about smelling like a dead animal. Little did they know their vampire boyfriends watch the whole thing and all smiled at their mates.

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