Slave Bitch

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The next morning I was still sleeping and pain sweating blood from my face since I'm a cat I have 9 lives. Elixir came pushing the door open he saw the blood he ran up to me waking me up my eyes were red and sleepy.  come to get up, he said to me. pulling me by the arms. I fell back to the bed an cry he lay me back down using healing powers to heal me. Michael: I still could hear the voices in my head screaming at but to be honest I love the new body I have it was pretty cool but the evil within it I hate. Angel got up and said damn you just kill me already as she starts slapping my face kill me bastard kill me. I grab her by the hand and kiss her it calm her down for awhile what was that for you jerk ?! I hate you as she screams at me. I laugh at her, you're my slave bitch as he pulls me out the room. Taking me to another room and push me in now go get ready you have school today. I looked and the closet it was a brand dress and beautiful I took a shower then got out putting on the dress it was the same color as my first but better. I ran out of the room and saw him standing there. I hug him and said I love you pulling him by the hand come on let's go to school.

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