The Order

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(Y/N) Pov

I pulled the knife out of her stomach applying pressure to her wound. I pulled a first aid kit out of my backpack and started to clean her wound.

(Y/N): Call an Ambulance!

Waitress: Ok

(Y/N): Don't worry sweetie your going to get some help.

I heard Luna make a terrifying howl with her fangs and claws bared at the man. She jumped on him clawing and biting him.


The waitress came back with things to help Dawn.

Waitress: They said they will be here soon.

(Y/N): Could you stay with her? I have to get her sister.

Waitress: Yes of course.

I ran to Luna and tried to get her off the man but she would not budge. It took me and 5 other men plus a blue oni woman to get her off.

Luna was trying very hard to get to the man but we would not let her.

Luna: I'll kill you for hurting my sister you bastard.

Police cars and an ambulance came driving up outside. A man and a woman came running in with a stretcher and put Dawn on it.

(Y/N): You need to go with them Luna, and look after Dawn.

Luna was still barking at the man but when she heard my voice she stopped.

Luna: Ok I will.

Luna got into the back of the ambulance with Dawn holding her hand. I watched them ride off to the hospital.

Two police men arrested the men and I heard them ask the man that stabbed Dawn a question after the put his jaw bone back into place.

Police 1: Why did you stab her you idiot. Looks like her sister did a number on ya.

Man: I wasn't going for her. I was trying to go for that furry lover. But its good I stabbed her. I did it for the Order.

The man started to struggle trying to get away.

Police 2: Another stupid racist from this so called Order.

I saw the second police man hit him with his baton making the man cry out in pain.

Police 2: You have the right to remain silent!

They put the two men into the back of the car and drove away. I saw another police officer getting ready to leave.

(Y/N): Excuse me officer but could I get a ride to the hospital.

Officer: Sure hop in.

30 Minutes Later

The officer dropped me off at the hospital and drove away. I ran into the hospital looking for the twins. I found Luna sitting in a chair crying silently to herself.

(Y/N): I'm here Luna, where is Dawn?

Luna saw me and ran into my arms hugging me.

Luna: She's in surgery. The knife had cut a vital organ inside her and she had internal bleeding.

(Y/N): She's going to be fine, I know it. She's tough and brave.

After a few minutes of waiting a doctor came walking towards us.

Doctor: The surgery went well we sowed up the organ and stopped the bleeding. She is awake if you want to see her.

Luna: Yes of course.

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