Luna and Dawn the Wolf Twins

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(Y/N) Pov

All the girls were out of the house so I was at home by myself. I was in the living room eating my favorite snack and watching Tv when I heard a knock on the door.

(Y/N): Maybe its one of the girls.

When I opened the door I saw a wolf girl that looked different than some I have seen before. She also looked like she hasn't eaten in a while.

???: Could you please help me.

(Y/N): Hello, what is your name? And what do you need help with.

???: My name is Dawn, and I need help with my sister she is sick.

(Y/N): Where is she at.

Dawn: She's in the forest where she collapsed so I ran to the closest thing I could find, and that was your house.

(Y/N): Lets go get her.

Dawn and I ran to go get her sister and when we got there she looked liked Dawn except her fur was black. Her eyes were closed and she looked really hungry.

Dawn: Luna I brought some help.

(Y/N): So her name is Luna.

Dawn: Yes, can you help her.

(Y/N): I think I know what the problem is.

Dawn: What is it?

(Y/N): She collapsed out of hunger so she doesn't have any energy.

I look over to see Dawns ears go down in sadness and you heard her stomach growl when you said hunger.

(Y/N): Dawn how long has it been since you've both eaten anything?

Dawn: Its been four days.

(Y/N): Its been that long since you eaten.

She nods her head and puts Luna in arms and starts to cry. I see she cares a lot for her sister and will do anything for her, so I pick up Luna and tell Dawn to come with me.

Dawn: Where are we going?

(Y/N): Were going back to my house to get you girls something to eat.

We were almost back to my house when I thought of something I did not tell Dawn.

(Y/N): Sorry I did not tell you this Dawn, but my name is-

Dawn: I know who you are your name is (Y/N).

(Y/N): You know my name.

Dawn: Yes, there has been talk of a man named (Y/N) on the island. Girls on the island have been looking around for you but me and Luna thought they were lies.

(Y/N): Oh that's nice to know.

After me and the girls got to my house I took Luna up to a room and told Dawn to go into the kitchen. I put Luna in a bed and kissed on the forehead to comfort her before I ran back down to the kitchen.

Dawn was sitting patiently at the kitchen looking still looking sad that her sister was not well.

(Y/N): Its ok Dawn she will get better. I promise.

I ran to the refrigerator and got out all kinds of meat for the girls to eat.

A few minutes later I were sitting plates of meat in front of Dawn.

Dawn: What is this (Y/N).

(Y/N): Chicken, beef, pork and some other stuff. Now dig in.

She sees a steak and bites into eat. Her eyes go wide and they well up with tears.

Dawn: This is so good (Y/N). Thank you she says as she hugs you.

(Y/N): No problem Dawn. I have to go feed Luna now. Enjoy your food.

I grab two bowls one with chicken noodle soup and the other with beef stew. I run up to the room she is in and I see she is up but looks weak.

(Y/N): Hello Luna my name is (Y/N). Your sister is down stairs eating and I brought you some food to eat.

Luna: Thank you (she says in a low tone)

I sit on the bed right in front of her and take a bit of soup and blow on it. She opens her mouth to receive it and when she eats it I see her smile. Luna goes though both bowls of food and already looks better.

Luna: Thank you so much (Y/N) for what you have done for me and my sister. (she leans forward and kisses you)

I blush and tell her it was nothing. Dawn comes into room happy to see Luna.

Dawn: Luna you look so much better.

Luna: Thanks to (Y/N).

(Y/N): Would you girls like to stay here.

Dawn&Luna: YES! We would love too. They both say and yell.

(Y/N): It's settled then. This room has two beds so you girls can have this one.

I see Dawn get into the other and fall asleep in the bed and Luna drift back to sleep. I give them both kisses on the cheeks to see them smile in their sleep.

(Y/N): Time to go clean up.

Mamono Island (Monster girls x Male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz