Late for school

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One day Jake was going to school. He got late for school. Suddenly his foot slipped and he fell down. He couldn't see anything, everything got dark. He saw a light shining. Jake followed that light and ran without stopping but he couldn't reach any end. Jake was so afraid. He remembered that he had a torch in his bag pack.

He opened his bag packs zip and took out his torch. He switched on his torch and saw many dwarfs. They were planing to attack on the city. Jake suddenly hid. He was so afraid. They were saying that people who live in the city are bad, we will eat them and we will seize their land. They said they will do this in just 3 days. Jake started making a video for prove. It was 5 o' clock. His mother was crying and his father was finding Jake. Jake didn't know that he has secret powers. Only his father knew that he has secret powers.

He was thinking that if I had powers like those of Batman, Superman, or Flash or if I could disappear then I would be able to defeat these evil dwarfs. Jake was just thinking about this that it was already done.

THE DARKENED PATH......⚫Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat