Chapter 2: Information

Start from the beginning

"Six." Alexander said. "Each possessed some version of your elements, but in the color black instead of the normal color of water, fire, ice, lightning, earth, and energy."

"Water? This is weird," Jay commented. "Who do you suppose these guys are?"

"I don't know, but Sensei might." Lloyd said. They finally reached the hospital, checked the guy in and thanked him one more time.

"Again, no problem. Just save Ninjago for me." Alexander said as they left.

Once they finished with that, they got there dragons and headed back to the bounty to find Sensei Wu meditating.

"Oh you are back, tell me, what have you found?" He asked his students without even opening his eyes.

The ninja explain everything from the searching to the hospital and Sensei looked concerned.

"What's wrong sensei you look like you've seen a ghost" Cole said. (auther chan's note: yes i just made joke about the fact that he turns into a ghost in season five but this takes place between the 4 and 5.)

"I have heard of these six. They call themselves the Dark Six. They were in a lab accident all at the same time causing them to be able to control one element for the rest of their life. But because the lab ended in panic, the elements they received were dark and lifeless." Wu explained.

"HOLD UP!" Jay shouted. "Why is there six and not five. None of us are the element of water. Who is the sixth person impersonating?"

"I will tell you all about that later but for now let me finish my story. Now they believe that they should be the elemental masters you are and will stop at nothing to get rid of you. You must be careful, for your enemies have a strange ability to manipulate minds and cause them to change your side of fighting." Wu finished. At the last part Kai and Lloyd looked at eachother. They had both been somewhat evil in there lives and hated it. Kai more than Lloyd of course seeing as Lloyd was a child at the time and just wanted to impress his dad. Kai on the other hand actually feared being a villain from the very start of his ninja carrier and had shown himself he was capable of such things.

Jay noticed the two looking at each other. Ever since the end of the tournament of elements, Kai had been acting weird and Lloyd had been missing his father a lot causing him to act strange as well.

"Now NYA!" he called causing her to run in for he had yelled like something was wrong.
"What is something wrong or broken or what WHAT HAPPENED?!" Kai's sister shouted.
"Nya were you listening to us this whole time" he asked his sister.

"NO.... maybeeee...... ok fine yes." Nya said. "I heard most of what you said and am wondering who this water person is myself. I got lost in thought at the end causing you to scare me when you called, anyway what do you need."

"That is what I want to tell you. Kai, Nya come with me. The rest of you, do as you please." Wu told them. Kai, Nya, and Wu walked to the bridge. Without knowing of so, Jay followed them.

"So what is this about Sensei and why did you only want to see us and not the others to?" Kai asked.

"Well I needed to talk to Nya, but it has to do with your parents so..." Wu started.

"OUR PARENTS!" Nya and Kai practically shouted at the same time. Chen back at the tournament of elements had tried to get Kai to join him by bringing his parents up and he had been wondering ever since.

"Well you see your father was the master of fire and as Kai has received the traits from your dad to become the master of fire, because of this upcoming threat and more in the future i must tell you that your mother was the master of water." Wu exclaimed. "I was hoping Nya that you would be up to the task of becoming the master of..."

"YES!" Nya shouted. She had always known something like this would happen and now it was.

"Oh My Gosh Nya I'm so happy for you!" Kai hugged his sister still in shock about the new of there mother and father. "Can we tell the others?

"Ya Sensei, can we?" Nya said.

"I don't see why not" Sensei said calmly.
Jay heard they were coming out and took off. He was in shock about the news just as much as they were. He turned the corner a little too late because Kai saw the corner of his blue cloths as he left. Kai was upset for he figured Jay was spying, but he choose to say nothing and pretend he saw nothing.

Nya informed the others that she would get to be the water ninja and everyone was excited at the news. This is going to be fun, Nya thought to herself.
Me: ok everyone so here she is!
Skylor: hi everyone! Why am I here again?
Nya: because we need more girls!
Pixal: run Skylor, before it is to late
Jay: I find this amusing.
Me: shut up
Jay: 🤐
Me: good.
Kai: hi Skylor!
Skylor: oh look the boy that stoped texting me! I really thought something was wrong ya know!
Me: ohhh drama!!!! Well while we sort this  out,  and I write the next chapter which is called Conversation, please, have a 🍪! THANKIES!

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