3. A Special Present for a Special Someone

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I missed with Magnus trying to get him a present, and here I am standing at Hot Topic like some idiot who got lost in the wild. I couldn't figure out what on earth to get Magnus, since he goes here all the time to shop. I was looking through some jewelry, and I couldn't find anything. It seems that Magnus has everything he ever bought in this store.

Excuse me, but are you lost?

Alec: Uh no, I was just looking at something.

Don't lie, let me guess....you're trying to look for a gift for a special someone.

Alec: How do you-

The look on your face gave it away.

Alec: Wow, and I thought I could hide everything.

Well, we all reveal something. As for your gift, I think I may have just the right thing for you. Wait here, I'll be right back.

The lady went into the back, and I just stand in shock that someone just read my mind. She came back holding a small, black box in her hands. We both went up to an empty space, since she wasn't allowed to bring out since it won't be in stores for a while.

This one's a real beauty, just take a look.

She opened it, and it was revealed to be a necklace with a ruby jewel in the middle. This is perfect for Magnus, I think he'll love it!

Alec: How much?

It's on the house.

Alec: W-Wait what? No, I couldn't. You are showing me this, and I don't think it's fair that I-

No, really, I insist.

Alec: Are you sure?

I'm positive.

Alec: Thank you.

No problem.

The lady did the transactions, and gave me a bag so I could hide the box of the necklace. For sure Magnus will love it so much-

Sebastian: Hey there Lightwood.

And he had to show up didn't he?

Alec: What do you want Sebastian?

Sebastian: What's in the bag?

Alec: None of your business, now leave me alone.

Sebastian: Watch your tone, Lightwood.

Alec: What are you going to do? Punch me? If that what it is then go ahead, I could care less if you give me a thousand black eyes or not. At this point, I don't care for you or the crap that you have given me over the years.

Sebastian: Now you've done-ow!

Someone pushed Sebastian to the wall, and it knocked him out.

Alec: What the?

I looked at the person, and it was revealed to be Jace.

Alec: Jace uh...

Jace: Hey...Alec....

Alec: Thank you for saving me from him, I know you didn't have to but....thank you.

Jace: Alec, I'm sorry for leaving you like that.

Alec: It's okay.

Jace: No it's not, it was never from the start. I completely abandoned you ever since middle school, and when I realized what I've done I....I felt like a complete jerk because I left my best friend behind. I can understand if you don't really want to talk to me, but....I just wanted to let you know.

Alec: Magnus is great, but I do miss you a lot Jace.

I went up to him, and we both gave each other a hug and then we both separated.

Jace: By the way, I think this belongs to Magnus.

Jace held his hand out, and it showed Magnus' stolen necklace.

Alec: How did you-

Jace: I got it from Sebastian's pocket, I figured Magnus would want it back.

Alec: Thank you Jace.

Jace: Anything for my best friend, I better get going and take Sebastian's body to his bed before people start to think he's dead.

Alec: You always are good with people knocking people out.

Jace: Well I did have you to teach me.

Alec: Thank you again Jace, I really appreciate it.

Jace: Your welcome. By the way, how's Izzy doing? I haven't seen her in awhile.

Alec: My parents forced her to go to an all girl school.

Jace: Yeesh, that's not good.

Alec: She video chats me all the time, and she tells me that it's terrible and it always will be. Though she has made a few friends from what she told me, but she still hates it.

Jace: Heh, sounds like Izzy. Another thing Alec, you have a crush on Magnus don't you?

Alec: No, Magnus and I are just-

Jace: Secretly dating?

Alec: No, just-

Jace: In the closet boyfriends?

Alec: Friends, just friends.

Jace: Whatever you say, but a little advice...don't hesitate to ask. From what I can tell, I think Magnus likes you too.

Alec: We'll see about that.

Jace: Twenty bucks?

Alec: You're one.

Jace: I won't regret this.

Alec: Neither will I, bye Jace.

Jace: Bye.

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