Chapter Twenty five

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Hey guys i changed the ending on the last chapter because i didn't want the story to take a turn so yeah, enjoy reading ❤


Royal and I have been getting close within these past couple of days. She's really starting to feel like a sister to me.

Anyways, since school ended im picking Royal up from her school today so we can chill over my house. " You not going to practice today ", Rashad, my bestfriend asked. " Nah im really not feeling it today ", i responded. I play basketball for my school. Normally i don't miss practice but i really wanna hang out with Royal.

" Ard. We'll look out for you bro ", Darius, my other friend said. I dapped them up. " I appreciate bro. Ill hit Yall up later ", i told them. " Aight bro ", Rashad said. I walked to my car then got in.

I pulled out then drove out of the school parking lot. After 15 minutes i was at Royal's school. When i pulled up i saw her standing with two other girls. One of them was standing with a dude. The other one was talking to Royal. The one who was talking to Ro was sexy as hell. Her hair was in curls. Some of them were hiding most of her face.

Her body was shape just right. Damn. And her skin was glowing in the sun. I honked the horn which caught their attention. Royal waved at me then said something to the others. They all walked over to my car. I got out then walked to the passenger side.

" Yall meet my brother Ryan, Ryan this is Sienna, that's Brandon and this is Sadie ", Royal said. " Hey ", the girls said in unison. " Wassup bro ", Brandon said then he dapped me up. I gave him a head nod. I started to look at Sadie. She smiled showing her dimples. She's fine as hell.

I smiled back at her. " Well we better get going. Bye yall ", Royal said. They all said bye. We got in the car then drove off. " Aye Ro ", i said. She looked over at me. " Yeah ", She said. " Who was that girl with the curls ", i asked. " You mean Sienna ", she responded.

" Which one is that ", i asked her. " The one that was standing with Brandon ", She replied. " Nah im talking about the other one ", i said. " Ohh, you mean Sadie ", Royal said. " Yeah her ", i said. " Im suprised you don't know her since she came from your school ", she said. I looked over at her then back at the road.

" Really? How come i never met her before ", i questioned. She shrugged her shoulders. " Well tell her i said i wanna talk to her ", i said. Royal smiled. " Ok im about to text her now ", she said. After 30 seconds Royal got a reply. " She said Ok and she told me to give you her number ", she said.

" Ard. Tell her ima hit her up later ", i said. Royal started typing on her phone. " She said ok ", she said. We finally pulled up at my house. I turned the car off. Then we got out and started walking to the front door.

We walked inside. My ma was sitting on the sofa. She was watching tv and talking on the phone. When i shut the door, she looked over at us. " Hey yall ", she said. " Hey ms.Tanya ", Royal responded as she waved.

We walked upstairs then into my room. I shut the door while Royal sat her stuff down. " So when is Bella getting here ", she asked. Her and Bella gotten close too. " She should be here in a hour or so ", i said. Royal nodded her head.

My phone went off. I looked at the message. It was Sadie hitting me up which made me smile. I saw Royal looked at me weird from the corner of my eye. I looked over at her. " What ", i questioned. " Why you smiling for ", she asked.

" Sadie texted me ", i responded. " Well you know she's gonna be at the Runway Designers competition ", Royal said. " Really ? Why she going there for ", i asked. " Well because im competing in it ", she replied. " Oh word? When is it ", i asked. " Its tomorrow at 3. You should come ", Royal said.

" Im definitely gonna come to support you ", i told her. " Yay ", she said while she smiled. " Have you started working on your designs ", i asked her. " Yeah, i've already designed the clothes. Im just waiting for tomorrow to get here ", Royal replied. " Word ? Let me see them ", i said. She looked at me crazy.

" Um no, i want it to be a surprise ", she said. Then i sucked my teeth. " Dont be doing that ", she said then she pushed my head. " Whatever ", i said. My phone went off but this time Rashad was texting me.

Rah 💉😈 - yo slide through this party with me, Ty and Darius tonight

Me - Im hanging with Ro tonight

Rah 💉😈 - Ro ?

Me - Royal, the girl i hang with

Rah 💉😈 - Oh aight ik who you talking bout. She yo girl or sum shit ?

Me - naw nigga. She my sis

Rah 💉😈 - Welp shit then bring her fine ass wit you

I looked over at Royal. She was on her phone laying on the bed. I went back to my phone.

Me - aight where the party at ?

Rah 💉😈 - on fifth st. Be there by 9 tho

Me - Aight we coming

Rah 💉😈 - bet

I put my phone in my pocket. Then i looked up. Royal kept looking on her phone. I cleared my throat to get her attention. She looked over and sucked her teeth. " What Ryan ", she asked. I started to laugh.

" Why you acting like that for ", i asked. " Because im trying to talk to Kaine ", she replied. " Who Kaine ", i asked. She smiled. " My boyfriend ", she responded. Damn too bad for Rashad. " Well i gotta ask you something ", i said.

Royal put her phone down beside her. " Yes ", she said. " You wanna go to a party with me ", i asked her. " When ", she asked. " Tonight at 9 ", i responded. " But i have that competition tomorrow ", she said. " Thats at three Ro ", i said.

She sat up on the bed. " Can i bring my friends ", she asked. It'll be nice to see Sadie there. " Yeah you can bring them ", i responded. " Alright im going then ", Royal said. " I wasn't gonna take no for an answer either ", i said.

I can't wait to slide through this party tho. I haven't been able to see Tyler like that. But tonight all of the gang gonna be reunited again. But my first thing i gotta do is bag Sadie's fine ass. She gonna be mine and she don't even know it.


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