Chapter Seven

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Its officially the first day of being suspended. Im at home by myself because dad went to work. My dad co-owns a car shop with my uncle called "Auto Town". Its really successful compared to other auto shops in Richmond.

Since i have nothing to do i started working on my fashion ideas in my sketch book. Sienna, being the best friend she is, bought me the book a while ago. My dad bought me my first ever sketch book but i filled up all the pages already.

I went in my closet and grabbed my drawing box. I keep everything in here. I sat down at my desk and pulled out the color pencils to give the outfit some life to it.

There was a knock at the front door. I stopped what i was doing then went to answer it. I opened the door to see Tyler standing there. " What do you want ", i questioned him.

" You not happy to see me ", he asked. " Hardly ", i said. " Oh stop being like that girl ", Tyler said as he walked inside. I rolled my eyes then shut the door.

" I dont remember telling you to come in ", i said. He plopped on the sofa then looked over at me. " That's because you didnt, i allowed myself to come in ", he said. " Well can you get out ", i said.

" Now why would i do that ", Tyler questioned me as he smirked. " Because i was in the middle of something ", i responded. " Middle of what ", he asked. " None of your business, when i come back down here you better be gone ", i said.

I walked upstairs and into the bathroom. After i got done using it, i washed my hands. Then i walked out. When i walked into my room, Tyler was standing beside my bed looking through my sketch book.

" Um wtf are you doing in my room ", i said as i snatched the book from his hands. " I thought you were in here, my bad ", he said as he put his hands up in surrender.

" Well obviously i wasn't ", i said. I walked over to my desk and sat the book down. " Who is this boy in this picture ", Tyler asked. I turned around and saw him holding a picture of Marion and me.

" Thats my little brother Marion ", i said. I walked over to Tyler. " Why haven't i seen him around here ", he asked me. I took a deep breath. " Because we dont have the same dad  ", i said.

He nodded his head. " So is this your moms ", he asked me. He picked up the picture of my mom and me. " Yeah, thats also me sitting on her lap ", i said. Then he squinted his eyes.

" Oh word thats you ", he questioned. He started laughing. " Ok so whats funny ", i asked. He looked from me to the picture. " Nah it's just that you look way different now ", Tyler said.

I sat down on my bed. He followed me and laid down facing the ceiling. He still was holding the picture. " So you saying that i was ugly or something ", i questioned him.

" No that's not what im saying, you were beautiful then but even more so now ", Tyler explained. I looked at him then smiled. " Not in that way get what i mean ", he continued. I started laughing.

" What's wrong ? Is something on me ? ", Tyler said as he quickly sat up. " N-no, its just that you're funny thats all ", i said then i stopped laughing. He laid back down still holding the picture.

" How old were you in this ", he asked me. " seven ", i said. He nodded his head. " My parents took me to Sea World because i was obsessed with sea life at one point. It was the best day ever ", i said. I stood up and went into my closet.

I pulled out my dolphin stuffed animal of out my stuff animal box. " This is what my mom bought me when we went. My dad bought me a really big whale stuffed animal but thats downstairs ", i said. I handed the dolphin to him. He started looking at it.

" If you don't mind me asking, why isn't your mom and your dad together ? ", Tyler asked. I took a deep breath.

" My mother left me and my dad. I should've known something wasn't right because they were arguing on the drive to sea world that day. But anyways, i had just turned ten. It was around afternoon ish. I had heard my parents arguing. So i tip toed down the stairs and saw my parents in the living room. My mom had told my dad that she was seeing another man behind my dad's back. My dad was yelling out "How could you do this to our family". My mom told my dad she wasn't inlove with him anymore. Then she said that she was pregnant. That's when i looked at her stomach and saw it bulging out a little. My dad looked so hurt you could see it in his face ", i said.

" My dad told her get out and that she was dead to him. That's when she turned around and they saw me standing there. My mom looked at me and kept walking until she was out the door. I kept yelling her name but she ignored me. She got in her car and left ", i continued. I couldn't hold the tears in as they started falling down my face.

Tyler scooted on the edge of the bed. He pulled me into a hug. I started crying on his shoulder while he held my waist. " Damn, im sorry Ro ", he said. I lift my head up from his shoulder.

" Its ok you didn't do anything ", i said. He wiped my tears away with his hand. We started looking at each other. I saw him in a different light now. Tyler is mostly rude but he's actually nice and caring.

He got up and grabbed the sketch book off the desk. He walked back over to me. " I was looking at these when you were in the bathroom and you gotta tell me about all of these ", he said. " Really ? Its not gonna bored you ", i asked him.

" Nah they look fire ", Tyler said. " Thanks, i drew them ", i said proudly. He look shocked. " Word ? Thats crazy ", he said. I started to laugh.


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