Chapter twenty

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" Royal! Come here real quick ", i heard my dad yelled from downstairs. I got up from my bed. Then made my way downstairs.

" When did you get here ", i asked. " Just now. Come and sit ", dad said. He took off his coat then hung it on the coat rack. We walked to the sofa and sat down.

" So an old friend of mine came into the shop today ", he started off. " Is this old friend happen to be a woman ", i asked with a smile. " Yes its a woman..and stop smiling weirdo ", dad said. " Ok go on ", i said. Dad cleared his throat.

" Anyway, um..she invited us to her house for dinner tomorrow night ", he continued. " hmm this must be some friend. Your sweating just telling me ", i said. He wiped off his forehead then looked at his hand. " I um- we're just friends Ro. She just want to catch up ", dad said. " Yeah ok dad ", i replied. Then he started to smile.

" Oh my gosh dad you do like her. What's her name ", i asked. " Tanya. Yeah we been friends ever since highschool. We went to college together too. We were so close ", he responded. He looked down at his hands. " So what happened ", i asked. " Well i met your mother around the time we was in college. I'd spent all my time with your mom so much that i pushed Tanya to the side. We just grew distance ", dad explained.

I started feeling some type of way by the mentioning of my mother. I started messing with my nails. " I know we haven't talked about the situation with your mom since i dont know when but by me mentioning her, it's gotten you upset ", he said. " I just- i don't understand how she could just get up and leave like she did ", i said.

Dad took a deep breath. " I-I don't know but she's still your mom Ro, so if she wants to talk to you or see you, then you gotta do it ", he said. I looked at him in disbelief.

" She hasn't been wanted to see me. Now all of a sudden she wanna see me when im practically grown ? How could i have a conversation with her when she's gonna bring up the family she left us for ? Dont get me wrong, i love Marion to death. But she left me crying on the steps to care for him more. To love him more. She left you down near in tears to be with that man who took part of breaking up this family. And the fact that you're telling me i gotta respect her when she don't respect us, is blowing me. She cheated on you and got pregnant. But im suppose to respect her ? I dont care if she is my mother, ill never talk to her ever again. She's dead to me ", i said. I got up and stormed upstairs to my room.

I got into the bed. I curled up and started crying. The person who's supposed to care for you. Love you. Nuture you. Teach you how to be and act like a woman. Guide you. The person who's supposed to protect you. Just up and leave you and never looked back. Is the worse thing you can ever experience. I looked up to her like she was superwoman. She was once my hero. Now she's nothing to me.

The day she left me is the day i lost any type of love for her. I was still bawling my eyes out as i heard a knock on the door. I knew it was my dad. I didn't say anything. Which made my dad come in. I heard him walking to my bed. He tapped me on the shoulder. I got up and hugged him. He kissed me on my head while he let me cry on his chest.

" Its ok babygirl. Its you and me until the end, remember ? ", dad said. I nodded my head. My cries started to settle down now. " Hey look at me ", he said. I looked up at him. A few tears was running down his face. " Im not gonna make you do anything you dont want to do ok ? You'll talk to her when the time comes. Just know your dad is not going anywhere ok ? ", dad said.

I nodded my head. He pulled me into a hug again. " I love you dad ", i told him. " I love you more babygirl ", he responded.


Next day

" Should i wear this or something else ", dad asked me. He held up a navy blue dress shirt. " Um..yeah ", i said. " Or this one ", he asked. He held up a black dress shirt.

" The first one ", i said. He put the other shirt back in his closet. " Dad if you're tryna impress her, you should wear a t shirt to show off your muscles ", i told him. He looked back at me. " Yeah you're right huh ", he said. He pulled out a white shirt. " No dad, white is a bad choice. Especially for dinner. Try a dark color ", i said.

He put that shirt back and pulled out a black shirt. I gave him two thumbs up. " Ok, go ahead and get ready ", dad said. " I am ready ", i told him. " Ro im not playing with you. You're not wearing you're outfit that you wored to school ", he said. I rolled my eyes. Then i walked back into my room.

I went to my closet and pulled out my navy blue floral off the shoulder shirt. Luckly this one have straps. After i put the shirt on i went to change my pants. I decided to wear my black jeans with the cuffs cut off. I slid into my sandals. Then i walked out of my room.

" Come on Dad, we're gonna be late ", i yelled out. He came out fully dressed. " What i tell you about all that yelling ", he said. " You look nice dad ", i said, ignoring him. " You think so ? ", he asked. " Yes now lets go ", i said.

We both walked downstairs. After we refilled Reeses bowls, i took him outside to use the bathroom. I brought him back inside then he walked to his bowls. We grabbed our coats then walked out.

Dad unlocked the car. Then we got in. He started playing his old music which i dont mind at all. I feel like 80's and 90's music is the best music. He even got me listening to 70's music too.

But anyways, we were on our way to Tanya's house.


I just want to say that no i am not going through the same thing that Royal is going through with her mom.

But if any of my fellow readers are going through that situation with your mom or even your dad, i just want to say keep your head up. You are not worthless. You are loved. Might not be by that person but there are people around you that loves you. You are somebody. Dont think anything different. Be strong.

Love you guys ❤

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