Chapter five

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" I WILL NOT tolerate this kind of behavior from my students IN MY SCHOOL AT ALL ", Principal Wyatt said with anger. I sunk into my seat and rubbed my temples.

My bestfriend Royal sat beside me. On the other side of the room was Tori and her stupid ass side kick. I dont know why me and my bitch in here when we're not even in the wrong.

Tori started it when she got in Royal's face. Tori never liked me and i don't know why nor do i care. I know she better not try anymore shit again or ima do much worse than what Royal did to her.

" Now Sienna i've had it up to HERE with you being in my office all the time ", Wyatt continued. I sat up in the chair. " First of all you need to talk to Tori over there because her ass is the one who started it ", i said.

" Thats bullshit ! Her friend is the one who started it ", Tori yelled out. Royal turned around in her seat to face Tori. " You the one who started it by using verbal abuse towards my bestfriend ", Royal said.

" She should've kept up with all the other girls with her slow ass ", Delayah said. That's when i got up from my seat. " And you should've kept your legs close letting the whole school hit with your nasty ass ", I said while i was heading towards her but Royal stopped me.

" ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH ! Im holding all of you accountable since all of you were involved in this foolishness ", Wyatt said. " All of you will be serving detention for a week ", he said. " Bruh that's nothing ", I said then laughed.

" Mhm hm never mind then, you all will be suspended for a week ", He continued.

" A WEEK ", all of us yelled out. Wyatt went to his desk and started to call each of our parents. " Mrs.Hall.... Yes this is Principal Wyatt and im calling about your daughter Tor'rayn ", he said while he looked at Tori.

" Well she had gotten into a physical altercation in the gym a few minutes ago and im going to suspend her for a week. She will also have detention the day she gets back ", Wyatt continued.

After he got done talking to Tori's folk then he called Delayah. Then it was Royal. Now its my turn. " Hello Ms.Blaire...this is Principal Wyatt again, im calling about Sienna. She had gotten into a physical altercation with another girl in the gym a few minutes ago. Im afraid this isnt the only time she has gotten into trouble here ", He said.

" Yes well- .. Um from my understanding- ... No she wasn't the only one fighting but ma'am- .. Ok well she's being suspended for a week and then she'll have detention when she gets back ", Wyatt said. I heard my mom yelled "fuck you" into the phone then hung up.

Mr.Wyatt slowly put the phone on the hook then looked up at us. " I hope you girls have an understanding that you WILL have consequences for your actions. Again you should all know the policies. While you're suspended you will not, on any circumstances, be able to walk on school grounds. If you do then i wont hesitate to get you for trespassing. You're all dismissed ", he said.

We all got up and headed to the door. Tori and Delayah cut in front of us and walked out. It took everything in me not to hit they ass.

Royal and I walked out soon after.
Sienna's house

" I told you bitches be trying it and you still send me to that school ", i said while standing in the living room.

" First of all you better watch your mouth when your ass talking to me. Second of all im tired of getting unnecessary phone calls fron that school saying that you're doing something that you shouldn't be doing ", my mom yelled out.

" Obviously they're lying mom ", i said. " Why they gotta be the ones lying and not you ? ", my mom questioned me. " Because im not lying duhh ", i responded.

" You better duhh outta my face ", my mom said. I looked at her like..that didn't even make sense but ohkay.

" Getting suspended and shit when you know what you're supposed to be doing. Which is take your high yella ass to that school building and learn something- ", she continued to say while she headed for the kitchen.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. I shut my door then sat my stuff down. My phone started ringing so i grabbed it to find out an unknown number was calling me.

" Hello ", i said into the phone once i answered. " Wassup baby ", a dude said. " Who the hell is this ", i questioned. " Come on now you gonna do me like that ", dude said.

" Im about to hang up ", i said. " Hold up its Brandon ", Brandon said then i rolled my eyes. " How tf did you get my number ", i asked him. " Tyler gave it to me ", he said.

Im gonna kill Tyler, he just wait. " So what do you want ", i asked Brandon. There was silence for a while. " Um HELLO ", i yelled. I heard him clear his throat. " I wanna work this thing out ", he said.

" Work what thing out ", i questioned him. " Our relationship ", He said. I laughed just to be petty. Then he sucked his teeth. " Im deadass tho so whats funny ", Brandon said.

" You're nigga you had a whole baby on me with another bitch and you want me to be Koom by yah about it ", i said. Then he laughed like i said something funny.

" First of all thats not my kid so you can stop that shit right now ", Brandon said. " But you still cheated Brandon ", i said. It was another minute of silence.

" Look Sienna im so sorry. I dont know how to make it up to you- ", he said. " -You cant ", i said then i hanged up. I threw my phone on my bed. I went into the bathroom with all my hair products i use for wash days.

I have a bunch of hair so its gonna take the rest of the day to wash it. Im glad its Friday man.


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