Chapter sixteen

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This is Kenan Mays, Royal's father 💫
His IG is @chadwickboseman

Kenan Mays

" Come on yall we gotta hurry up and stack these boxes ", Allen, my brother demanded the workers while he clapped his hands.

" Come on Al you gotta take it easy on them ", i said. I was looking through our money book at my desk. " They know what needs to be done ", he said. I shook my head. Allen walked over to my desk and sat down.

" Business is starting to run slow around here ", i told Allen. " But we have customers everyday ", he said. " We're behind on paying the mortgage this month and last month we barely made it ", i said. I sat the book down. Then i started rubbing my temples.

" We'll just have to change some stuff around. Cut back on expenses ", Allen said. " We need to buy tires, car parts, and all of that. Its a must to have the store restocked ", i said. Allen just shook his head. " Im just not understanding where the money is going ", i continued.

There was a knock at the door. Which caused us to look up. " Kenan there's a woman up here that needs help ", Que, one of the employees here said. " Why didnt you help her ", Allen questioned. " Because she wanted Kenan personally ", he said. Then me and Allen looked at each other.

" What does she look like son ", i asked him. Im trying to figure out if i know her or not for her to be asking for me personally. " Um she looks around your age i guess. Maybe a little younger ", Que said. I rolled my eyes. " Yeah, she has long black hair, she lightskin and she thick. And im not talking about fat either ", he continued.

" Get out of here boy and go be productive ", Allen said. Que sucked his teeth and walked out. I stood up from my desk. " Im gonna go see who is it ", i said. I left out of the office with Allen following me. I looked back at him. " What ", he asked. I turned back around and kept walking.

Once i got to the front i started looking around to see who Que was talking about. " Kenan ? ", i heard a woman said. I turned around. " Tanya  ? ", i questioned.

Tanya is a old friend of mine from high school. We were bestfriends. We even went to college together. But then i met my baby mama, Lisa and kind of pushed Tanya to the side. As time went by we've became distance with each other. I was only focused on Lisa at the time. Nothing else.

Tanya met her husband kind of around the same time. I couldn't attend the wedding because I  found out that Lisa was pregnant with Royal. She said she completely understand but i knew i had hurt her by not going.
" Oh my God, i haven't seen you in years ", Tanya said as she walked up and gave me a hug. You know when you can tell a difference between a fake hug and a real one. This was one of those "I genuinely miss you" type hugs.

" Wow you still look the same ", i said. " You do too after all these years ", she said. We started to laugh. " So how are you holding up ? You know, how you've been ", i asked her. " Good actually, i cant complain ", Tanya said. I nodded my head.

" Well i know you're doing good. I mean, you have your own shop ", she said. " i mean i guess ", i said. She looked at me. " Sir this was your dream. To start your own car shop and you've actually followed through with it, like i knew you would ", Tanya said.

Its true. I always been obsessed with cars. Royal isnt into cars like i am. Even though she wants one. I really cant bond with her on that. I remember my first toy car. My Granddad gave me one when i came over his house that time. I had to have been six or seven. I was obsessed with that car. Ever since then, he kept buying me cars.

" So how's Darnell and the kids ", I asked. She has a son who is my daughter's age and a girl who is now six. " The kids are good but me and Darnell..not so much ", Tanya said. " Oh, is everything alright ", i asked her. " Um no. Me and Darnell is not together anymore. We've decided that things weren't good between us anymore ", she said.

" Oh im sorry Tanya ", i said. " No its ok. Stuff happens ", she said. " But what about your family. How's Lisa and Royal ", she asked me. I took a deep breath. " Well Royal, she's doing good. She's into fashion like her mom. So thats really cool ", i started off saying. " Thats awesome ", she said while she smiled. " Yeah it is. Uh.. And with Lisa, we aren't together. Haven't been together for some time now. Like you said.. stuff happens ", i said.

" Im so sorry Kenan. I would've thought out of every couple in Richmond that yall two would still be together ", Tanya said. I shrugged my shoulders. " Yeah.. But hey what can you do, right ? ", I said. Then she laughed. " Well you're right about that. But hey you and Royal should come over for dinner tomorrow night. Ill make my fried chicken and lasagna that you like ", Tanya said.

" You know i can't resist your fried chicken and lasagna ", i said then we laughed. " But yes we'll be there ", i continued. " Great just come by around seven ", she said. " Cool, you still live over there on Lexington street ", i asked her. " Yeah the same old house we used to hang out in ", Tanya said.

" Ok cool well see you tomorrow then ", i said. " Ok Kenan, it was nice seeing you ", she said. " Nice seeing you too ", i responded. She smiled and waved while she walked out of the shop.

" Was that Tanya ? From high school ? ", Allen asked as he walked up. " Yeah it was. She invited me and Ro over for dinner tomorrow night ", i said. " Well you know what that means. She want that old thing back ", he said. " What are you talking about ? For one we never dated and for two she just wants to catch up ", i said.

" Yeah whatever. I bet you $20 that she want you. Mark my words kenny ", Allen said while he walked away. I hate when he calls me that.

I walked back to my office to finish going through the money book. I started to smile thinking about Tanya. I just hope everything goes alright. I also hope that Royal's up for it.


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