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Simon looked at the scar on his chest and frowned, it had been a week of Rose applying ointment to make sure the car wasn't red and inflamed.

Simon knew it was his own fault, the fight, he shouldn't have cheated on Rose. This whole plan to break her heat was bullshit now that he liked her. He thought about her before going to sleep and the second he woke up, she was like a virus and he had a bad case.

"Simon?" Rose called from outside the bathroom, probably waiting to apply the ointment for the day. Simon shoved her t-shirt back over his chest and walked out, his eyes locking on Rose. She'd become a lot more distant since the fight and the cheating, rarely coming over to the house and never filming unless it was for Harry or Cal's channel. She only came to the house to apply Simon's medication because the doctors had given it to her and for some reason, she'd just gotten on with it.

"Shirt," Rose said quietly, her eyes on the floor as her hands shook slightly. Simon gulped and slipped his shirt off before letting it fall at his feet. He let his arms dangle at his side as Rose looked at the scar. It wasn't long, it was about 10cm and stretched from his shoulder to his pec. It was still red but healing well.

Rose opened the ointment and took some on her finger tips before walking towards Simon. She then drew her fingers across the scar and rubbed in the ointment, avoiding eye contact with Simon. The pair of them hadn't confirmed their breakup, they hadn't talked about it because they hadn't talked at all. If Rose was with the boys in public because Harry invited her out, she stayed away from him and was attached to Harry by the hip. Rose wasn't bubbly anymore, she was quiet and shy. She hardly spoke and if she did, it was to ask for something or to say hi. Even fans of Harry and Simon were concerned, asking if they'd broken up or if Rose was okay. They were more concerned than her own boyfriend who hadn't asked about how she felt.

"Done," Rose said before closing the ointment and stepping away from Simon. Simon grabbed his crumbled t-shirt and slipped it over his head, his eyes glued to Rose the whole time.

"Rose," Simon began but Rose had already turned away from him.

"No, I'm going home," she snapped before opening the door and leaving, Simon's eyes glued to the door just hoping she'd walk back in. She didn't.


Rose walked downstairs and bumped into Vik.

"Hey, you okay?" Vik asked, stopping in the middle of the stairs. Rose just nodded and tried to walk on, but Vik hand was gripping around her wrist.

"Rose," Vik said as he pulled her around to face him. "Talk to someone, you're not okay and that's okay."

Rose gulped and ripped her wrist away from Vik's grasp before running out of the house and to Harry's car. Taking a deep breath, she slipped inside the car and rested her head against the steering wheel, she was exhausted. Her nights were filled with nightmares of death and hurt, it was draining, and everyone could see. Rose sighed before starting the car and driving off, her mind swirling.


Rose opened the flat door and let a small smile show at the sight of Harry and Herb curled up on the floor, Cal asleep on the couch.

Rose walked towards the bundle on the floor before kneeling next to Harry, smiling down at him.

"Wake up, sleepy head," she whispered. Harry groaned and looked up at Rose, a goofy smile on his face.

"Hello!" Harry sang before wrapped Rose in his arms and pulling her down onto his chest. Herb squeaked in discomfort before trotting away and jumping onto Cal's chest instead. Harry then pulled Rose onto the floor next to him and kept his arms around her.

"Vik thinks I'm not okay," Rose whispered as she stared at the ceiling, her fingers fiddling with Harry's hands.

"Well, are you?" Harry asked her, his eyes locked on the side of her face, looking at her features softly. Rose sucked in harshly before letting out a deep sigh.

"I don't think so," she replied, her voice quiet and strained as she tried not to cry. Harry pulled Rose closer to him and hugged her tightly.

"I think when Simon cheated, I sort of broke," Rose admitted as she rested her head on Harry's arm. She knew something had changed when he'd cheated and when the two boys had fought.

"I know," Harry whispered, his fingers now running and playing with Rose's hair.

"I'm scared I won't be fixed," Rose admitted as she turned and looked at Harry. The pair looked at each other with sadness and hurt. Harry was sad that he couldn't help Rose and Rose was sad Harry had to see her like this.

Harry placed his hand on Rose's cheek and locked their eyes together. Rose's eyes flickered to his lips and before they knew it, they were kissing. Harry placed himself above Rose and kissed her softly, one hand holding himself up and another resting on Rose's cheek.

Rose's time with Simon was different to this, it was lust and hunger and nothing more. However, with Harry it was love and passion between them, they meant it and they wanted it.

Harry pulled away and looked at Rose's flustered face. He loved this girl with his whole heart and he knew, if he continued with this they'd both regret their timing.

"Let's wait," Harry whispered before getting to his feet and helping Rose up. She nodded and smiled at Harry, her face lighting up.

"What did I miss?" a voice grumbled from the couch. Rose giggled quietly and smiled at Cal as he sat up, Herb falling off the sofa.

"Nothing, just some chilling," Harry replied before wrapping an arm around Rose's shoulders and smiling. Cal glared at the pair jokingly before smiling.

"Well enough chilling, let's get ready for dinner," he said before bouncing to his feet and trotting off into his room. Rose looked at Harry quizzically.

"I forget to tell you but we're going to dinner with the boys, minus Simon of course," Harry replied with a smile. Rose nodded but she felt bad for Simon, was he really going to get left out every time the boys met with her?

She sighed quietly before walking off to her room and ransacking her closet which had been restored after moving out of the house. Cal had luckily gone to the house to collect her stuff, making sure there were no fights between Harry and Simon.

Stripping out of her chill out clothes, Rose picked out an outfit consisting of a short black halter neck dress from Topshop with some knee-high boots from ASOS. She finished the look with a leather jacket and a pearl bracelet Harry had bought her a few years back when Rose had turned 18.

"Ready?" Harry asked as he walked inside her bedroom, dressed nicely. Rose raised an eyebrow at the shirt and nice trousers before looking at Harry's nicely done hair.

"Why are we going out anyway?" she asked as the pair of them walked into the lounge where Cal was also dressed in a suit, his blazer open.

"We're going out for Tobi' birthday, remember?" Harry replied as he ruffled Herb's head, the dog wagging his tail madly. Rose gasped, she'd forgotten all about Tobi's birthday.

"Oh my God, I didn't even buy him a present!" she complained as all three of them walked out side and made their way to the carpark. Harry laughed, and Cal pulled out a bag he was holding in front of him.

"Sorted love, you've given him a cap as I suppose everyone else has," Cal said with a smile. Rose laughed lightly as they arrived at the car, the group climbing inside.

"Let's go," Harry cheered as Cal started driving. Rose smiled and rested her head on his shoulder.


I'm not sure if what Rose did counts as cheating because they never officially broke up but... ALSO KHLOE HAD HER BABY AND TRISTAN A DICK. Night :)

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