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Rose stormed down the street with her hands shoved in her pockets, she was so mad. She was so mad about Simon and with Simon. Everything hurt, and she wanted, needed, to keep walking but everything in her also screamed to go back, tell him what a piece of shit he was. She continued to walk, she walked all the way to Harry's flat.


Rose knocked on the door and waited, bouncing on the spot. She wanted to collapse into Harry's arms and scream, cry and yell all at once.

"Rose?" Harry asked from the doorway, his face confused to why she was here without one of the boys. Rose pushed past Harry and into the lounge where she let out a yell. Harry jumped and even Cal stuck his head out from his bedroom, his hair a tangled and unkept mess.

"Rose, what the hell?" Cal asked, rubbing his eyes, signalling he'd been woken by her yell. Rose shook her head and grabbed a pillow from the couch before screaming into it, her grip so tight her knuckles were white. She chucked the pillow to the floor and turned to Harry and Cal who were staring at her like she'd grown three heads or that she was about to smash like glass.

"He! He bloody!" Rose yelled before letting out another yell of anger and walking towards a wall which she sent her fist into. Harry ran towards Rose and pulled her away from the wall, his hands gripping her wrists.

"He fucking cheated on me!" Rose yelled before tugging away from Harry and ragging her fingers through her hair. She let out a sob and stamped her foot into the floor.

"I saw hickeys, all down his neck! I didn't fucking give them to him!" Rose yelled as Cal slowly walked towards her, his hands outstretched.

"Rose, calm down," he said soothingly. Rose took a gasp of breath before looking at Cal and Harry, they were right, she needed to calm down before she seriously hurt them or herself, not that her hand wasn't screaming in agony.

Rose rushed into Cal's embrace and let out a sob, she was hurting and needed someone, anyone to make it stop.

"It's okay, everything is okay," Cal said to her, his arms wrapped around her body as she let out a sob.

"I love him, and he cheated on me!" Rose sobbed before pulling away from Cal and letting out a deep breath. Cal stared at her, Harry as well, both cautious of what Rose would do.

"Maybe, maybe he didn't cheat on me," she suddenly rambled. "Maybe I did leave the hickeys, but I don't remember..."

Harry frowned, he knew what was happening. Rose was trying to make herself believe nothing was wrong, like she'd done with Peter. She had forced herself to believe she deserved everything he had done to her, hit her, cut her and beaten her 'till she was nothing. And now she was doing it all over again.

"No, Rose," Harry snapped, Rose flinching and her eyes watering instantly.

"You didn't give him those hickeys, you know you didn't," he said as he stepped towards her. Rose felt a shudder run through her body. Harry was right, and she hated it. She wanted to scream.

Rose grabbed a lamp and before Harry or Cal could stop her, it was smashed against the floor, glass splattering everywhere.

"I don't deserve this!" Rose screamed before slamming her open palms into the wall, repeatedly as Harry and Cal watched.

"To hell with him!" Rose screamed before falling to her knees. Harry walked towards her and kneeled next to her, his hands wrapped around her sobbing and shaking body.

"To...Hell...With...Him," Rose said between sobs.

Finally, Rose fell into Harry's arms and the pair stayed in that position until Rose fell into a restless sleep. It was only 12pm but she was so tired, so worn out, that nothing could've kept her awake. So, Harry carried her into his bedroom and tucked her in like you would a child, even kissing her forehead. He loved her, and nobody would hurt her as long as he was around.


Simon frowned when he saw Rose still hadn't come back from the day before. With a sigh, he climbed out of bed and walked into the bathroom. That's when he spotted the hickeys, stretched along his neck and that's when he knew the reason Rose had ignored him.

"Fuck," Simon whisper/shouted, throwing his fists into the sink. He'd ruined it, he'd ruined it between them and there was nothing he could do. Then it hit him, he cared that it was ruined, he cared that Rose was ignoring him. He cared about Rose Williams, and now he'd broken her.

"Where is he?" someone yelled from downstairs. Simon spun around, and he instantly knew who it was.

"Harry, no!" Rose yelled from downstairs, footsteps getting louder. Simon's hands formed a fist and he stormed into his bedroom, nothing intimidated him, especially not Harry Lewis.

"You fucking prick!" Harry yelled as Simon's bedroom door flew open. Rose was stood behind him, her eyes sad and frightened.

"I didn't fucking do anything!" Simon snapped, stepping towards Harry who was so mad he might as well have had steam gushing from his ears.

"Don't you dare say that when your neck is littered in hickeys!" Harry yelled before rushing into Simon's bedroom and lunging at him.

"Harry!" JJ yelled, however he stayed still as the two boys collided. Rose watched in horror as Harry slammed his fist into Simon's cheek, the taller boy stumbling backwards in shock.

"Let them be," JJ snapped as Josh walked forward, stepping to the side to block the doorway.

"Prick!" Harry hissed as Simon sent his knee into his gut. Harry then grabbed Simon's arm and pulled him, so he fell and landed into his drawer, his TV wobbling.

Simon instantly jumped to his feet, but it was obvious the collision with the drawer hurt, his left arm staying at his side as he swung at Harry.

"Stop!" Rose yelled as Harry's head snapped to the side when Simon's fist hit him. Rose let out a sob and she stepped back, her eyes scanning the fight scene unfolding in front of her. JJ looked back at her before leaving the doorway and grabbing Rose's wrist, pulling her down the hallway.

"Rose, I need to tell you something," JJ began but before he could continue, a yell came from the bedroom.

"JJ!" Vik yelled, rushing in the bedroom. Rose ripped away from JJ and ran into the bedroom, letting out a yell. JJ ran to the bedroom and gaped at the scene. Somehow, Simon had managed to receive a large gash on his chest and the TV was smashed on the floor. Harry had a small cut above his eyebrow and blood was trickling into his eye.

Vik and Josh were helped Simon, his injury obviously more severe. Rose stared in shock as they helped Simon to his feet and practically dragged him out of the room.

"You threw the TV against him?" JJ yelled at Harry who was staring at the broken TV. He then looked at JJ and let out a shaky breath.

"I didn't mean to..." he breathed before letting a tear roll down his cheek. Rose ran towards him and wrapped her arms around his waist, Harry instantly hugging her back.

"Simon will be okay, you were angry you didn't mean it," Rose repeated as Harry cried into her hair, tears streaming down his cheeks. JJ watched from across the room and he felt his heart break, he knew Rose would be happier without Simon, but he knew that Simon wouldn't have fought Harry if he didn't feel something for her. Simon fought for Rose, but he didn't deserve her, and as much as JJ loved his best friend, he couldn't let him break Rose.


JJ getting on my damn nerves bro, TELL HER! (This is my book tf am I going on about?)

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