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Rose giggled as JJ walked into the lounge, covered in eggs and flour after filming a video.

"Little bit of milk and sugar and we have ourselves a walking cake!" Rose laughed, and Sarah nodded as the two girls giggled. JJ stuck his tongue out at them before running upstairs to take a shower and change.

The rest of the boys walked in, some covered in egg and flour as well, and walked up to the girls who squealed.

"Don't touch me!" squealed Sarah as Callum tried to wrap his arms around her. Rose laughed but was quickly cut off when a pair of slimy arms attached themselves around her.

"Harry!" Rose shrieked before trying to pull herself out of his grasp. Harry laughed and hugged Rose tighter, making Rose shriek.

"No, my hair!" Rose yelled as Ethan leaned towards her and rubbed his eggy hand in her long brown hair. Harry let go and Rose shot out of her seat, eggy and covered in flour like the others.

"I hate you all!" she complained jokingly before laughing and running upstairs. Before she made it to the landing, she looked down.

"Simon, can I use your shower?" Rose yelled down the stairs. Simon replied with a yes and Rose rushed into his bedroom.

Rose looked at Simon's clothes and quickly grabbed a pair of jogging bottoms and a hoodie, hoping he wouldn't mind.

"Rose? I heard the shower turn off are you good?" Simon asked from outside the bedroom, making Rose turn around. She quickly got into his clothes and rushed to open the door.

"Yeah, and sorry for borrowing your clothes but I had nothing else," she said as Simon walked in, eyeing Rose's small body drowning in his clothes.

"It suits you," he said as he flopped on the bed, looking at Rose who raised an eyebrow. "Wearing my clothes."

Rose laughed and walked towards Simon, standing in front of the blonde boy who had made her smile so many times. Simon was the one and Rose knew it. She knew she loved him, but she doubted she'd ever know his feelings towards her.

"Rose?" Simon's words snapped Rose out of her thoughts and she smiled at him.

"Yes?" she asked as she sat on the floor, looking up at Simon. He laughed and bent down so his face was level with hers.

"You're cute when you zone out," he whispered, and Rose grew red in the cheeks, blushing deeply at Simon's words. He thought she was cute? Simon Minter thought Rose Williams was cute?

"Rose!" Harry yelled from outside, making the two inside Simon's bedroom spring apart. Rose scrambled to her feet and without even saying goodbye, she rushed out the bedroom with her cheeks as red as rhubarb.


Harry was stood outside with his arms crossed and a small smirk on his lips. Rose frowned and walked towards her best friend who linked arms with her and walked downstairs.

"What's got you all red?" he asked as they met the others in the lounge. Rose shrugged and went and sat next to Sarah who was being all cute with Callum. Harry raised his eyebrows at Rose who ignored him and joined the conversation.

"I think we should have a huge sleepover, just in the lounge," Ethan suggested as he placed an arm around Rose who was sitting next to him. The other agreed and all eyes turned to Simon who had just walked in.

"What are we agreeing to?" he asked as he sat next to JJ, his eyes flickering to Rose who avoided him.

"A huge sleepover in the lounge," JJ told him, and Simon nodded in agreement. Rose mentally screamed at him and herself, knowing that it would be awkward whenever her and Simon spoke.

"Okay that's sorted then," JJ said, clapping his hands. "We just need something to spice tonight up!"

Sarah and Rose groaned, looking at each other, and the others just laughed at JJ's dirty jokes. JJ sat up and rubbed his hands together.

"No seriously, we haven't got anything to do and besides we're all friends so what's the problem," he said and the other thought about it. Of course, Sarah wouldn't have to do anything unless it was with Callum, Rose was single and everyone else knew it was only a joke.

"I'm up for it," Tobi said, and everyone agreed, Rose staying silent and glaring daggers at Harry who smirked at her before winking and nodding at Simon.

"Okay well, Rose and I will head back to the flat and grab some things," Cal said as he stood up, grabbing Rose's hand and dragging her to her feet. Rose sent Cal a confused look, but they were already out the door and in his car. Rose stayed silent for the car ride but made sure to remember to question him after. She wondered what Cal needed to tell her...


Got chapter three done and dusted! The next few chapters are a fricking roller coaster!   Rose has the worst luck in a few chapters :(

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