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i'm fully aware how badly written this is and i fully apologise! 

Rose Williams was sitting in her best friend's bedroom as he filmed a video for his YouTube channel, W2S. Rose had met Harry Lewis when the two of them had lived in Guernsey, neighbours and partners in crime. When Harry had met the Sidemen, Rose met them as well and they instantly took a liking to the brown-haired, blue-eyed girl. She'd become a frequent feature in their videos, helping out behind the scenes or maybe featuring in their videos.


After Harry had finished with his video, he and Rose travelled into the lounge where Callum was messing around with their dog, Herb.

"Herbie!" Rose called as she kneeled against the wooden flooring, smiling at the puppy who happily lost interest in Callum and bounced towards Rose. Callum playfully glared at the girl before getting off the sofa and joining Rose on the floor with Herb.

"I'm inviting the boys over," Harry told the pair on the floor as he opened the fridge to grab something to eat. Rose knew about the Sidemen, she'd even watched some of their videos. She liked them all, especially Tobi who came around quite often for videos and general hanging out sessions.

"Sure!" Rose called as Herb licked her face as Cal grinned from ear to ear. The pair laughed as Herb tried to stand on his hind legs but instead fell onto his back and scrambled to get on his paws. Rose giggled and picked the puppy up before placing a kiss on Herb's forehead. The puppy licked Rose and then calmed down, obviously becoming tired. Rose smiled, passed Herb to Callum who gladly took him, and walked towards the sofa where Harry was checking his phone.

"When are they coming over?" Rose asked as she snuggled into the sofa, burying her head into Harry's shoulder. Harry just shrugged and rested his head on top of Rose's as he continued to scroll through twitter.

"I think they want another video with you," laughed Harry as he showed a tweet to Rose.

Username1: I really like Rose! You should totes have her in more vids!

Rose laughed and looked up at the Guernsey boy who had a smile on his face.

"I'm up for it if you are," she said as Harry returned to scrolling through fan tweets. He just nodded in response, already having forgotten the conversation. Rose laughed lightly and switched the TV on.


A loud knock on the door woke Rose up, making her yell in shock.

"Calm it, Ro! It's only the boys," Cal laughed as he got off the sofa next to her. Rose smiled and looked behind her as she watched Harry open the door and the Sidemen file in.

"Rose!" Ethan called as he ran towards her. Rose grinned and jumped up to the hug Ethan, whom she'd bonded with instantly. The pair hugged and then flopped on the sofa simultaneously, laughing when they did so.

After everyone had entered the flat and had become comfortable, they fell into instant conversation.

"Did you hear, Joe had to call the police on some stalker," Cal said, his arm wrapped around Rose's shoulder as they leant against each other. Rose was appalled someone had been stalking Joe Sugg, it was horrifying to think maybe someone was stalking big youtubers in England.

"No way!" Ethan exclaimed as he sat up, brushing against Rose. Cal nodded and sighed before looking out the window.

"Happened to Marcus as well, it's happening a lot," he said before scratching the back of his neck. Rose gulped and looked at the boys she'd grown to know and love equally.

"But it won't happen to you guys, will it?" she timidly asked from her seat, all eyes turning to her. The colour from Harry's face slightly faded as he opened his mouth to speak but JJ spoke up, thankfully.

"No way," he said, laughing. "Nobody's going to get past these guns!"

The group laughed as JJ flexed his newly found muscles and gave them a kiss. Rose smiled, relaxed, and felt herself lean into Cal, her eyelids already heavy.

"Look at her, falling asleep faster than baby Herb," Harry laughed as he spotted Rose. The others erupted into laughter, including Cal, and Rose flipped them off before standing up.

"I'm going to my room," she mumbled before walking out the lounge, leaving behind the mass of giggles.


Rose pushed open her bedroom door and flopped on her bed, knackered from the previous day of vlogging with Callum. They'd gone out to do some errands and of course, Callum being a youtuber, he decided to vlog it.

"Rose?" a familiar voice came from the doorway. Rose looked up and smiled when she saw Simon, his lanky frame leaning against the door way.

"Simon," Rose said as she sat up, Simon walking into the room. He sat on her bed and smiled as he looked around.

"I'm tired as well, nap?" Simon offered as he looked at Rose, who would be fast asleep if Simon hadn't walked in. Rose nodded and the two shuffled to the top of the bed, getting comfortable.

"See you later," Rose mumbled as Simon placed an arm around her small body, hugging it close. Simon smiled down at her and nodded before closing his bright blue eyes, Rose doing the same.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of Broken! I'm going to admit there is not enough Romon throughout the book, they just suddenly develop feelings, so i'm going to try and fix that. Anyway, thank you and see you next chapter!

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