Part 1

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During their second year at Yuuei, Hero Class 1-A had all been accepted into various internships with pro heros. They all participated in on-the-job training and didn't get to see each other so much these days. Every now and then, the group would meet up to have a late night snack together after training was done. Today, Kirishima suggested WacDonalds as it was suited for a larger, rowdy crowd such as themselves.
Kirishima stared at his cell phone, checking the time. The sun was beginning to go down, but there was just enough light to stab him in the eyeballs. That time of day was always the worst.
"Hey Kirishima!" Kaminari called out, waving a hand in the redhead's direction.
"Hey man! How's it going?"
"Oh you know. Been busy trying not to die between this internship and studying." Kaminari said as he shook his head, sighing heavily. "Honestly, if I do go, it'll be because of studying."
Kirishima nodded in agreement. He wasn't exactly in the top ten students, but he wasn't at the bottom like Kaminari was.
"Yo." Came from behind Kirishima.
"Yo, Bakugo!" The blond was in full hero garb. "Uhh, didn't you want to change at your internship's building?"
"You didn't hear about the bank robbery?" Bakugo asked.
"No..." Kirishima said confused.
"Oh! Oh! I heard about that! But I thought Endeavor's agency was handling that!" Kaminari said.
"We did." Todoroki said as he walked up on the group of guys.
"Hey guys!" Midoriya said trailing behind Todoroki. Bakugo's hard let out three small explosions. His face twisted into a deep scowl as he looked upon the half-n-half boy and the small green-haired boy.
"Deku! Half-n-half bastard!"
"Dude, chill. This is a class gathering." Kirishima said, hoping to break the sudden tension. "So, Midoriya, Todoroki, you guys got some action today!?"
"Stoooooppp!!!" Came a voice and wind rushed around the group of Yuuei students.
"Iida." Kaminari said, dusting off his jacket. "Seriously? What's your deal?"
"As class rep, I must ensure that all relevant and exciting points of conversation are kept until everyone has arrived!"
"You don't have to do that, Iida!" Yaomomo said walking up with Uraraka, Asui, and Jiro. At this point, class 1-A was slowly trickling to the meeting spot. Midoriya came out from behind Todoroki, stealing wary glances at Kacchan. Kacchan glared at Todoroki and Midoriya.
Both boys were in the same internship. Endeavor was apparently making it a point build a better relationship with his son and knew how fond his son is of the All Might disciple. Midoriya took everything as a learning opportunity. Endeavor was the new number one hero, after all. Midoriya found himself lost in thought as he swayed around the fringes of the crowd of students until a movement caught his eye. From the alleyway he and Todoroki took from the bank robbery, came a smallish guy, just taller than Mineta, running for his life. Midoriya started to move a bit closer.

The man looked over to see a crowd of students in the Yuuei uniform standing outside of a Wacdonalds. Shit! He looked over and saw three of the students still in hero garb. He recognized two from his team's attempt to rob the bank. The green-costumed kid was looking right at him! Shit shit shit shit!
He made a dash forward, all but falling in the street, hoping to not be recognized.
"Hey Deku! What the fuck are you staring at? Fucking nerd?!" A dangerous looking kid was glaring at Deku.
He was about to pass the group of students when a police helicopter caught up to him. A spotlight beamed down, chasing him, not letting him get away. I have to get away! I can't get caught! Maybe I'll take a kid hostage!
"Stop! Police!"
Almost without thinking, the robber activated his quirk--

"KACCHAN! LOOK OUT!" Deku yelled--

-- a burst of light, seemingly brighter than the Sun appeared--

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!" Todoroki and Iida yelled almost simultaneously. Everything was over in an instant. The light faded as quickly as it appeared, the robber was found encased in ice.
"Man, that's an insane quirk right there. I gotta write that down when I get home!" Midoriya said, breaking the tension and the silence among the class.
"Is everyone all right?" Iida asked, standing up to check on everyone.
"Midoriya, you were closest, are you all right?" Todoroki asked, turning to see his friend.
"Yea, I'm fine. Still adjusting, I think.  You all must have adjusted faster than I did! Or maybe the sun just went down a lot quicker--" Midoriya started rambling.
"What the hell are you talking about, stupid Deku?"
"Yea, the sun is just setting..." Uraraka said, moving closer to her friend. Something was off.
"Oh. Well, you know. Just give me a minute to adjust!" Midoriya started laughing awkwardly. He was staring in the wrong direction of where Uraraka spoke.
"Midoriya," Todoroki started moving towards the green haired boy. Midoriya reached out his hands as if he were fumbling into a wall.
"Todoroki. Where are you? It's still pretty dark." Todoroki looked at Uraraka, who clasped her hands over her mouth. Bakugo's eyes widened in a suppressed rage as he stared in Deku's direction. Everyone else could only look on in horror at what was unfolding in front of them.
Midoriya looked up in the general direction of his classmates.
"I can't see anyone."

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