Carrier At First Sight

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 It didn't take long for Knockout to finish patching up the rest of the vehicons with Breakdown's help. They had just recently boarded The Nemesis and were instantly put to work. Knockout huffed and mumbled to himself about his finish.

"What was that, Knockout?" Breakdown asked from across the room, checking a restarting Vehicon's sparkbeat and energon levels to ensure nothing went wrong. Knockout only kept him in the medbay for his company, the mech was obviously meant for fieldwork, and Knockout couldn't tell if "fieldwork" meant laboring or fighting at this point. The war had been long and tiring; Knockout could barely remember the last time he had been to a spa to get his finish touched up in the finest place in all of Cybertron. Ah, those times were nice. "Knockout? Knockout? Knockout, you in there?

"Hmm?" Knockout hummed absentmindedly, turning his helm to his partner with dimmed optics. "What?"

"I was calling your designation for a while, Knockout. I was wondering where your mind went off to," Breakdown responded while setting a datapad beside the sleeping vehicon beside him.

"Aw, was my partner getting worried?" Knockout cooed while turning to face Breakdown completely. He rested against a nearby wall, careful of the finish. "Or are you too mechly to admit to such things, my lovely hunk of metal."

"I'd admit anything for you, mechly or not," Breakdown confessed while rechecking the vital signs of the resting vehicon.

"I know, that's why you asked me out first." Knockout said teasingly while strutting forwards, moving his hips back and forth slightly to draw attention to them. Once he made it right behind Breakdown, he rested his servos on his shoulders and pulled himself up to be leveled with his Conjux's audio receptors. "Isn't that right, Darling?"

"No, it's because you kept on teasing me—just like what you're doing right now—until I couldn't take the sexual tension and I fragged you." Breakdown huffed out before turning around and planting a quick but gentle kiss on the other mech's derma. "Anyways, you would've cracked sooner or later. I'm irresistible."

"Oh, sure I would have, Breaky." Knockout said while rolling his optics and moving his servos down his conjunx's chasis slowly, teasingly.

"I have no doubt you would have. Had I waited any longer I thought you would have jumped me in the halls, Knocky."

Knockout scoffed and went to respond before—

"Knockout!" Megatron yelled from the halls. "I swear if you and Breakdown are fragging in there again, I will not only take your buffer but break it!" At Knockout's loud, "No!" Megatron continued. "In. Front. Of. You."

Knockout quickly pulled away from Breakdown but stayed at his side. "I-It's okay to enter, my lord."

Megatron seemed to almost hesitate before letting the doors slide open. He looked around the med bay suspiciously before straightening up and holding his servos behind his back. "Knockout, Breakdown," he started with a frown. "There's been a cybertronian pod landing nearby. You are to find it and bring whatever is inside it here. Understood?" He growled out the last word, and Knockout almost took a step back but stayed in place. Breakdown rested a servo on his lower back comfortingly.

"Understood, Lord Megatron," Breakdown responded with a nod. "Do you know if the pod is of Decepticon origin?"

"No, that is why I need you to retrieve whatever is in there. No matter the cost," Megatron said. His voice had a chilling edge that made Breakdown move his servo and tighten his grip on Knockout's waist. This was war, he had to remind himself. Anything could happen. To either of us.

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