The Feeling

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Evelyn stared at him. What was he doing? Inviting the crazy suicidal girl back to his house? Was he crazy? One could only hope she reflected thoughtfully. She couldn’t go back home, she had nowhere to go. She felt nostalgia sweep over her for a few seconds; I don’t have a home. She grimaced, after everything going back to that gloomy house had been her only comfort and now she didn’t even had that. “Evelyn?” she jerked in surprise, Damon saying her name filled Evelyn with a longing she had never felt before. She studied it, the feeling made her feel warm everywhere, all the way down to her toes and for some reason she suddenly wanted to go with the this gorgeous stranger; Damon or whatever. She nodded quickly and then regretted her choice but before she could say anything, Damon pulled her up, off balance and she fell into him. His scent surrounded her, caramel and violets filled her senses. But black dots still danced across her eyes and she felt herself go limp in his arms. “Evelyn? Evelyn? Hey you ok?” His voice sounded far away and Evelyn’s “I’m fine” came out as a sigh; weak and deflated. She frowned, her head was pounding like someone had whacked it with a hammer and she felt nauseated. I must have hit it fucking hard she thought despairingly, I wonder if I have concussion?  Ah damn why couldn’t have he just let her fall, she didn’t want to be feeling right now, she wanted to be down at the bottom of the waterfall numb and free. Evelyn felt the same arms that saved her, lift her up as Damon walked west, towards town.  Too tired to object Evelyn closed her eyes and let the darkness take over.

She so small and fragile, Damon percieved I could properly break her by holding her too tight. When she went wilted in his arms, he had been so scared that she had died it took him a couple of minutes to regain his voice, to ask her if she was okay. Her reply was so quiet he struggled to hear, but it sounded something like “Fine” but he couldn’t be sure. She hadn’t spoken a word since and Damon knew he needed to get her home. Mum would know what to do and even with his limited medical knowledge all the blood flowing from Evelyn’s head wound couldn’t be good. He shifted her gently and examined her face. Her dried tear paths where nearly invisible against her pale skin, but Damon still knew they were there. He couldn’t help but notice the other faded bruises that plastered her body. Damon was 99% sure that if he lifted up her dress; which he wouldn’t he thought ferociously, the rest of her body would be just has battered. Anger surged within him, how could somebody do this to another person?! Nobody deserved this, no-one at all. But Damon couldn’t help but feel helpless. He didn’t know her; he didn’t have the power to help her. He shook his head; these negative thoughts won’t get you anywhere, just get home and I’ll figure it out after that he decided. But now holding her in a close embrace as he dialled Sam's number and put the phone to his ear, Damon could feel his heart stuttering at the closeness of her body. The phone rang for three turns and then Damon heard Sam’s voice echo down the line “ello? Damon! What the heck happened? I turned away for one minute to bang that ginger chick and you were gone! Where are you?” Damon chuckled “I’m fine, don’t worry urm long story but can you pick me up from the west forest? I need to go home ok?” there was a pause and Damon could almost hear Sam’s head turning as he thought. “I don’t even want to know actually, but all right I’ll pick you up in a few” Sam said gently “thank you Sam, you’re the best” Damon exclaimed happily “I’ll explain everything later I promise” he shoved the phone back in his pocket and picked up the pace.

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