"I guess I'll be invisible little me forever," I mumble to myself, sitting alone in the last boat out to the viewpoint for the Second Task.  As the boat floats nearer to the stands, I hear people chanting for Cedric and the Bulgarians are whooping loudly for Krum.  The boat pulls up and I step out and nearly get knocked into the water by an overenthusiastic third year.  Grabbing onto a handrail, I steady myself and head up the ladder to an upper viewing platform.  I see an open space by a railing and immediately head there to see the Champions dive in.  I look down and see Harry in his pyjamas.  It looks like he overslept and was late as well.  Typical Harry.  Someone hands him some gear and he changes out of sighs, emerging again prepared for the task.  

I zone out as Dumbledore starts the announcement of what the Second Task is.  I rest my cheek in my hand and lean against the rail.  Looking down at Harry, I see him choking on something, gagging roughly and almost doubling over.  I hear a chuckle from beside me.  Draco Malfoy.

"Look at Potter!" he sneers to his cronies, Crabbe and Goyle, who laugh immediately with a low and idiotic grunt.  Filch sets off the cannon and Moody pushes Harry in.  Draco laughs loudly and bumps me hard as he almost falls over, watching as Harry's arms and legs flail outwards in panic as he descends towards the water and hits it with a loud smack.  As he hist me, Draco wheels around to scowl at me.  "Watch it!"

"Sorry, Malfoy.  I'll get out of your way," I mumble, stepping back.

"Wait!" Draco says quickly.  "Aren't you y/n y/l/n?  I haven't seen you around in months."

"That's because I'm me.  Y/n y/l/n: the amazing invisible person!" I say sarcastically, showing a mock sense of wonder.  Draco chuckles.  "What's that for, Malfoy?"

"Nothing.  It was funny, what you said," he replies.  

"Really?" I ask.  

"Well yeah," he answers.  I nod.

"And yeah.  You probably haven't seen me for a while.  I'm sort of a drifter now and I don't have any friends," I sigh.

"I thought you were friends with Saint Potter," Draco says, facing me a bit more directly now.

"Well I was, but something strange happened at the start of the year.  They stopped talking to me and-"

"Hey, Malfoy!" Crabbe hollers, holding a young boy, Nigel, in a headlock.

"Not now, Crabbe!  I'm having a conversation!" Draco snaps, waving him away.  I smile and Draco turns back to me.  "Sorry. You were saying?"

I nod and start to tell Draco about what happened, waiting for the champions to return with what was "stolen" from them.


"Saint Potter got off easy again," Draco mumbles bitterly.  harry came in second for "moral fibre", which Draco immediately became sour about.  "He always gets off like this!"

"It's okay, Draco," I say, trying to calm him down.  "It's always like that with him.  All the time I knew him, he always did the most miraculous things.  He'd defeat a mountain troll or fight a gigantic snake.  He'd do the most dangerous things and live.  You just gotta get used to how lucky he is."

"I wish I was that lucky," Draco sighs as we both step off the boat, heading back to the castle. I stretch my hands above my head and yawn deeply.  "Tired, y/n?"

"Definitely.  Standing still and waiting for something to happen for a solid hour is exhausting!" I joke and Draco laughs again.  "Well.  I gotta get going.  I have to do some studying."

"Okay," Draco sighs and I wave goodbye.  I turn around, but something pulls me back.  It's Draco who's holding my hand firmly.  "Ummm...  Wait, y/n.  I know this might be weird, but I'm just going to say it.  I had fun talking to you and, if it's okay with you, I'd like to keep talking.  You make me feel comfortable.  I've never been able to talk to anyone like this before other than my mother."

My heart relaxes as I look into Draco's eyes.  At first, I expected them to have a glimmer of mischief as if he was trying to be manipulative and plot something deranged, but no.  They're soft and warm.  His irises slimmer slightly in the afternoon sun as if they're saying "trust me".

"I'd like that, too, Draco," I reply confidently.  

"Really?" Draco gasps. "What about Potter?" 

"Oh.  I don't care.  He has plenty of other things to do other than micromanage who I talk to," I shrug.  "Y'know.  I don't care what Harry and the other people I used to talk to say.  You're actually a fun guy, Malfoy.

Draco smiles and we walk back up to Hogwarts to study together, chatting like we're old childhood friends.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,622 words long!  Thanks for reading!  Requests are open, but they may take a while to fill out!  I will also be absent from Wattpad April 16-18 (2018), but I will be updating probably in the next few days.  If you requested something a long time ago and it hasn't been filled, please message me so I can make sure I have it on my radar.  I have a long list of requests now and I want to make sure I fulfill everyone's requests.  Thanks again!

- Soiea

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