Two Halves of a Rainbow {9}

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P.O.V: Måne

Being with Oliver, being by him. It was so nice. Not being able to kiss him. Not being able to tell him how much I admire him angers me. Worst part was that I had to do that with someone else. Unwillingly. I moved the hair out of my face.

Oliver had to know why I can't like him. Why we can never be something more than friends. I stood wiping the makeup stains off of my cheeks. I had to get this over with. Rip it off like a band aid. I walked out into the hallway to see him leaving his room at the same time. He was stripped of looking nice and was replaced with casual. "Oliver." I called his name walking to him. He looked at me. I didn't want him to look at me like that. Stop looking at me. I can't let you see my like this.

"Yes, Måne?"He said as I quietly approached him. I felt stinging tears threatening to fall. "I have been hiding something from you." I said with a pause directly afterwards before continuing. His eyes stayed staring into my eyes.

Like a band aid.

"Daniel and I are back together." My words seem to hit him harder than it had to me. His eyes fell, and he walked to his room. "Oliver?" I said questioningly as I peeked in his room. He grabbed his jacket and slipped on his shoes. He walked past me, "Oliver wait!" He walked down the stairs and left. I let him leave without further protest.

I sat on my knees staring at the wall. I never let anything get to me. I hid my emotions. I did as I was told. I tried to make everyone happy, but it wasn't enough. I can't make myself happy. Maybe I thought I was. I was convinced that I was fine, but taking a look at life now.

How could I possibly be?

I stood up walking to my room. It doesn't matter if I'm okay. It never mattered. So it doesn't now. I must please my parents. It's good he's gone. Now he can't interfere with my relationship.

I do not like Oliver. He is nothing to me.

The next day I woke up. Showered. Applied my makeup. Got dressed and made breakfast. My grandmother sat with me. "Good morning, dear." She smiled at me with her sweet smile. "I'm sorry I came home late yesterday. Where's Oliver?" I felt my jaw tighten and my teeth began to grit hearing his name. I dismissed the thoughts that were about to pour through and looked r with a smile that didn't seem to convince her. "He left. I don't know when he will be back or if he will be back." I spoke calmly and took a sip of my orange juice.

"Now why did he leave? I thought he was really enjoying himself here. Poor, child. You must be devastated." She caressed my cheek with a sad look. I looked away and up at the ceiling as tears blurred my eyesight. "It doesn't matter. I feel fine. He would have just gotten in the way anyways. He's nothing, really, to be sad about."

My grandmother gasped and slapped my knee. "Don't you ever say something like that! What knocked you in the head child?" I sighed and looked down,"I'm sorry, ma-ma. I am just aggravated with my parents."

She put her hand on my leg, "You already know who you can talk to, dearest. What did they do this time?" I felt my eyes warm up and ready explode. I had to hold it in though. "Thank you ma-ma" I said quietly.

"My parents made me get back with Daniel." I put my head down on the table and began to cry. The tears were full and heavy. My grandmother stood and rubbed my back in a comforting manner.

A knock echoed through the house. "I'll get that, dear." She kissed my head and walked to the door. I continued to cry, but it had gotten quieter. I heard small murmurs then footsteps to the kitchen. A man stood in the door frame of the kitchen. I looked at his face and it was Daniel.

I wiped the tears and stood quickly, "What are you doing here?!" I stomped to him, "Haven't you ruined my life enough?!" He frowned and moved my hair behind my ear. "I was just about to take you to have brunch, my dear. Why are you so hostile?" he smirked lightly.

"I already ate. Thanks. Please leave." I went to walk past him to go to my room, but he put his arm out. "Is that your plate over there? It looks like you didn't eat much." He grinned and continued, "I'll sit and eat with you. So you can at least finish. So sorry I had interrupted."

I saw my grandmother look at me with fear filled eyes. Then she mouthed, 'do what he says. Please.' I arched a brow then looked up at him. I looked back at my grandmother and she pointed towards the kitchen. I looked back at Daniel, "Okay. Let us eat, then." He kissed my forehead and then took a seat, "Wonderful!"

P.O.V: Oliver

Måne's parents did this! I was just getting close with her and they go and do something like this. Then, Måne waits to tell me! I was her friend! How could she not tell me? I groaned softly and held my face in my hands as I leaned against the small structure I had come back to so many times as a child.

You'll never be good enough.

Heh, yea I know. I laid down on my side. "Maybe if I'm lucky, a snake will eat me." I chuckled softly. Then I felt a sharp pain on my ankle, "Well shit." I looked down and saw a large spider on my ankle. I screamed and got up quickly running out of the tiny building. "I SAID SNAKE NOT SPIDER!" I absolutely hated spiders. I ran all the way back into town. I was not ready for the symptoms to start. I did not want my foot to get chopped off either.

I ran into the hospital. "A big brown spider just bit my ankle!" The nurse looked at me strange then quickly sat me in a chair once she comprehended what I said. She lifted my pants lightly to look at my ankle. "Oh my. We need to get the poison out immediately or you are going to lose some skin on your ankle for sure."

She took me to the E.R. part of the hospital and grabbed a large needle. I groaned softly and waited paitently. She removed the poison and my ankle began to bleed lightly. She wrapped it once in bandage and then allowed me to leave. I gave her the money I had then went on my house.

"I suppose I should not sleep outside." I looked around and spotted Kat's apartment. "That...might work." I shook my head in protest against myself. No, I can't do that. Where am I going to stay? I sat outside on the bench. Where I used to sit.

I looked down at my ankle. Blood went through the bandage a bit, but it wasn't A lot. A little girl skipped past me. "Hello, mister." She smiled wide at me with bright eyes. "Hi." I smiled back at her, but it was a faint smile.

"Do you have any candy?" I shook my head and sighed, "I wish I did." She crossed her arms and her sweet smile had transformed to anger. "But I want candy!" She grumbled. "I'm sorry- Where are your parents?" I looked at her confused.

Evil crossed her eyes, "HELP!!" I gasped and my eyes widened. People started to look our way. I tried to shush her then I ran away. Isn't that just great?

I ran back into the woods. This is just so fantastic! A little girl trying to get me in trouble. I ran to the train station and took a seat on that bench. Maybe I should leave... I looked up at the sign. But I didn't have any money. I groaned softly then an idea popped up in my head.

I'll sneak on.

No wait, I can't leave. Måne isn't someone I can just leave behind. She means a lot to me. So I sat on that bench staring at the train that would leave and come again.

The next morning I was awakened by the whistle of the a.m. train. It was actually sort of nice. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Strange that I fell asleep so fast outside when I've gotten so accustomed to sleeping on a comfortable surface in a building.

My back began to hurt. I cracked it and stood. I have to do something. Maybe Måne's grandma will continue to let me tend her yard. I took in a deep breath. Of course she would let. I know I'm the one who ran from Måne, but she'd probably told me to leave anyways.

Besides, it'd just be nice to see her.

I began walking to her house. Måne may have been with Daniel, but she doesn't like him. I chuckled to myself certain. I am still a little upset that Måne hadn't told me about Daniel, but I can understand where shes coming from.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 05, 2019 ⏰

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